Bahaaahaaaaa! I could be in huge trouble for this. But I love the year Corey wore this costume and passed out candy. It was divine. I have begged him to wear it every year since but he won't. So I shall torture him with past pictures.
Corey has NEVER been interested in walking the neighborhood on Halloween night with the kids. NEVER. He would rather stay home and pass out the candy.
For several years I have acted annoyed and begrudged him, "Why do you get to stay home and pass out the candy while I have to walk the kids around the neighborhood!"
But secretly my heart soars. I LOVE to walk my kids around the neighbor hood, trick or treating. I love their little "trick or treats" and their "thank yous" and the hyper spastic racing to the next houses. I love seeing the houses decked out their scariest. I love seeing the faces of neighbors I otherwise would never see.
So imagine my dismay this year when Corey told me he wanted to take the kids around the neighborhood!
"You do?" I calmly replied with a sad heart. "Oh, okay."
So Halloween night, Corey had just came home from hunting. I was getting every one ready. I asked him if he wanted to take the kids around... preparing myself.
He says...."No , I know how much you love to."
Phew...But I do feel bad that he is missing out. We could both go!
We actually live in the kind of neighborhood where you can leave a bowl of candy out for people to help themselves, and they only take one!
Neighbors just relaxing and handing out candy.
I love it! Someday I am going to do this, and I am going to hand out full size candy bars. Someday. One neighbor hands out hot chocolate, not just the packets, hot chocolate!
Well, I might as well show you what the kids dressed up as....
Justine the sleepwalker...
Nathan, who went to a party with friends and watch "Arachnophobia" and then couldn't go to bed without me tucking him in and checking his sheets for spiders!
Nathan and Rhett wanted to create a scene where the werewolf was eating the man. It was a little hard to get the full effect with a Care Bear in the back ground!
Kate the Care Bear
And it breaks my heart to report that I did not get a picture of Kassidy. She was a Taylor Lautner fan. I am going to have her redress up and I will post it here later if you really care to come back and look. Devoted followers that you are.
This year we had a school carnival. And this is what one calls....
"Face Painting gone wrong!"
Butterfly (we got this one free) Kate moved too much.
Happy Howloween! (I made that one up! I think....)