Kate and Bo fight non-stop. So today dollar store. I had no idea if this plan would be fun or not. I honestly almost thought it was a terrible idea because it would lead to complaining and fighting but I and already told them we were going to play a game so I couldn't undo the plan now.
I told them we were going to play a little game. I took them to the
I told them they were to pick two things out for each other and two things out for themselves (in case they hated what their sibling got them....I didn't want to hear about it). I thought of all the things that could go wrong. I told them they had to try. Not just pick something stupid. They actually had a great time at the dollar store choosing for each other and themselves.
When they exchanged gifts it was actually really sweet and they were really sweet about what they received. When they got home Kate told Bo she loved him (he got her a puppy calender!) and he told me that she said that and that it was weird. I told him it wasn't weird and that they were supposed to love each other and that he should tell her. He said, "I like you." I figured that was the best I was going to get. Then he told her "I love you, and I don't care who knows it" And he wasn't even goofing around! bahahahahhaha. I almost died. The plan worked! hahahha.
A few more camping pictures from the summer.
I actually like this dog quite a bit. He has mellowed a lot and I no longer live in fear that he is going to bite someone. He constantly heels, though. Even me! I will be walking around talking to the kids and he is biting at me! But he isn't being naughty, I think he is just messed up because he is supposed to be with sheep! But he is pretty happy with us nonetheless. I feel pretty safe having him around because he is very alert. It feels ridiculous at night that we let him sleep on our bed and we can't move our feet because we don't want him to leave. Why do we do that?
Lots of times Carolyn (Corey's mom) and Dale will come up for dinner in the evening and spend some time with the family.
Rhett helping his grandma across the log to get back to her car.
These hammocks! Nothing better! I woke up from camping one day at like 8 and then laid in a hammock and read my homework for a few hours and then slept some more for a few hours! They trap you!
Justine was so proud of getting this picture with Rhett and Brody looking right at the camera. Rhett takes good care of Brody. Feeds him every day and Brody gets most excited to see him. If he isn't in our bed he is on or under Rhett's.