Monday, September 28, 2009

I was wondering why Corey's breath was so bad! (Thats evil, I know. I couldn't resist!)

Red Alert to all toothbrush owners living in our home!
See below!

I walk in the room as
Bo says:
"Hode still, Josie, Hode still!"

Lessons I learned from the year old Zucchinni in my freezer!

I was going to be the best dang mom around! From the time I was little all I ever wanted was children! Twelve to be exact! It has been disappointing how average I am at it. I thought I truly would care about nothing else but mothering.

Then came the telephone...

Yes, I talk on it all day. It is my life line to sanity. The people I talk with keep me from freaking out and save my husband millions in psychiatric bills. So often when I am on the phone I don't take as much time with my children. It really hurts my heart to even type that. I could cry right now!

Disclaimer I: I am cleaning the WHOLE time I talk and caring for the kids, just not as in tune with them as I should be.

Disclaimer II: I do get off when the older kids get home from school to see how their day was and to begin three bazillion hours of homework and music lessons.

Any way, today I got disconnected from my life line while making Zucchini bread. Bo was standing right with me.

Thus began the best part of my day.

I asked if he wanted to help. He said "no, I watch".

Break my heart! Have I said that too many times to him? I could cry right this second!

I said "no, you help."

We counted the scoops of flour, we used the knife to level off the top, he helped pour the salt and baking powder. We smelled the vanilla, which is a gift straight from Heavenly Father. He said "pancakes" so I smelled again, he was right, it smells like maple syrup a bit. Because of his speech delay I am thrilled when he can find words. We poured in the zucchini, he did half, I did half. We used the hand mixer. Bless that little mixer with only one lonely mixing whisky thing. He loved that mixer! It cracked me up because his whole little arm just jiggled like crazy all the way up to his shoulder. He loved it. He jumped off the chair and tried to slap the flour dust that was floating around visable in the sunlight.
What a great 10 minutes.

The lessons you learn when you BFF's cell phone dies! The lessons you learn when you try to clean out the freezer. I hope I will find more time for the little things with these little people with the little time I have left.

As for today, with the house smelling like zucchini bread, a hint of maple syrup, and trash that needs to go out, I rejoice in my boy and can't wait for him to come home and try a slice of his bread. I didn't burn it either! That's a first.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ditched for a younger woman!

Yesterday I was cleaning the garage with little miss Katie Shay when Bo's preschool bus pulled up to bring him home. I look forward to when he comes home because we run to each other with big hugs! Unless I have forgotten and am watching Judge Joe Brown, then he just lets himself in.

Anyhoo... as I am running to him and he is running to me, both our arms are out open wide and I am getting ready for my sweet embrace from my darling boy...

He veers to the left! Oh no he didn't! (finger snap)
He runs right past me!

I was momentarily traumatized, I must admit. (and embarrassed because the bus hadn't left yet.)

Then I saw he was running for his baby sister and my heart melted. Sadly, she turned and ran but it was still so sweet. I hope they can always love each other.

More Angels Amoung Us!

Tonight Nathan received his Webelos. He doesn't even turn 11 until March!

You all must be so jealous about how on the ball I am!

Not so much. That was my former life when I thought I was busy!

His wonderful Webelos leader, Tim Brendle, otherwise known as "kick us out of Perkins Manager on Girls Night Out", did the whole thing with Nathan!

He can't possible know what a relief it is, what a gift it is, what a great act of service to a mom whose life is so out of control her children are jumping on the trampoline with the poopy toilet plunger, (see past blogs). He just can't possibly know!

So Thanks to Tim and his wonderful partner Travis Empey, otherwise known as (in girl teenage voice) "Travis Empey, ohh" ! He is a cutie and leaving for his mission to Brazil in less than 1 month! Great example to those boys.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!

I think I will start highlighting in my blog when God's children do His work on earth by serving, so be on the look out for more additions of "Angels"

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Our cat is a jerk!

This is our dumb cat Banditt.
Yes, we spell his name incorrectly.
He is a jerk, I don't care...

We saved his life from the pound as a baby and he can't stand us! Well, mostly me that is. I don't know what his problem is! When I even come near him his ears go back and you can totally tell he hates me. He escapes the house every dumb chance he gets causing my poor kids to stay up late worried for his safely and opening the door every ten minutes until he has decided to grace us with his presence again. I don't get cats. They are so snobby and unappreciative. This is the 2nd cat we rescued from the pound that was a jerk! I like cats too! How does one go about finding a nice, unstuck up cat? I would totally get rid of the cat but it does love Kassidy and it is actually her cat so I guess it is serving his purpose but I just think he is such a jerk.

Kassidy has always been a "crazy cat lady" as we call her. She LOVES cats. From the time she was three she LOVED cats. I don't mean just a little. I mean A LOT! A LOT, A LOT! When she was only three she begged for a tabby cat she saw at her preschool teachers house. We finally gave in. For some odd reason she named him "Tiny". He was a good little cat but then he got killed by a dog right in front of her. She was TRAUMATIZED for YEARS by that.

The cat would just sit in her baskets and go for rides all the time.

We got her another tabby cat later from the pound named, Hermoine. She would have nothing to do with us and peed in the house. It had to go live outside and then was gone after that. UgH! So here goes another round of crying over cats and pleading for another one. It broke my heart. I mean the kid LOVES cats. I know this is extreme but I felt like she would have a forever void if she did not have her cat fix taken care. Then she really might turn into the crazy cat lady.

So for her 13th birthday we took her blind folded for a ride and ended up at the pound. We made her walk in blind folded and she had no clue what was going on. When we took off the blind fold and she realized the plan, she cried these most sweetest tears of gratitude. It was so sweet and still can bring me to tears thinking about that moment. She just truly loves cats. So I guess we are stuck with the jerk, (Banditt, not my kid).

My dad sent me this hilarious story about cats and it makes me laugh. So true!

8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!

9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing

9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!

10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!

12:00 pm - Lunch! My favorite thing!

1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!

3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!

5:00 pm - Milk bones! My favorite thing!

7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!

8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!

11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!


Day 983 of my captivity.

My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects.

They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape.

In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet.

Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a 'good little hunter' I am. Bastards!

There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However,I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of 'allergies.' I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.

I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches.

The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released - and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded.

The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicate with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe… for now…

Sorry for that, but I thought it was hysterical!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Together Forever, For Always, and No Matter what!

Today is our 17th wedding anniversary! How does that happen? I am so old! I am proud of us for sticking it out through thick and thin. I just wish I wasn't the thick, Ha! Seriously, there is a lot to be said for commitment! I LOVE the thing Jeff Fox worthy said in an interview about how he was still married after so long. He said, "well, I didn't die, and I didn't leave." Cracks me up!

Seventeen things I love about Corey which he will NEVER know because he NEVER reads.
1. I like a manly man.
2. He is scared of NOTHING.
3. He cleans up ALL his own stuff. I never have to pick up after him.
4. He brings humor to the world. I have to always tease him about this because when he finished college (the 2nd time) he was being interviewed for a job we desperately needed and she asked him what he could bring to the company. He said "Humor" because that was just what he came up with at the time. (wouldn't have been his preferred answer) and she said "I bet you can". He is funny and that has always been our joke.
5. Teaches kids to enjoy outdoors. They would never get that from me.
6. Has aways wanted and supported me being a stay at home mom.
7. Easily co hearsed into having 6 kids.
8. works super hard at mowing, weeding, chopping wood, and keeping up with yard.
9. Has learned to fix our cars.
10. Doesn't watch T.V. I can have it all to myself.
11. Tons of determination.
12. Whenever we have date night he loves to do the exact same thing as me. Dinner and an action movie!
13. He tries every time he makes eggs to get them exactly how I like them. Which is a very fine line but he tries really hard to make me the perfect egg.
14. If we were ever in a life or death situation I know he would take care of us and help us before he helped himself. If we ever had to sleep in a tent he would make sure we were all fixed up before he fixed himself.
15. He NEVER falls asleep while driving. I don't ever have to worry about that.
16. He takes our kids out to breakfast on their birthday. They love it!
17. He is a good guy.
Happy Anniversary, Corey! I love you!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Angels Among Us!

About a month ago someone stole Nathan's bike. Santa had brought it to him. It just burned me! I shouldn't have been surprised. In fact I am shocked it didn't happen sooner since we never put them in the garage. So that left Nathan without a bike and we couldn't just go out and replace it. On a whim, Corey decided to post at his work site that his son's bike had been stolen and if anyone had one they didn't want, we would love to take it. The very next day day a super nice guy called and for no reason at all decided to fix his son's old bike. He bought new handle bar grips a new tire and fixed the breaks. So it was all fixed and ready for who knows what when he read the ad that we needed a bike. It is a really nice used BMX bike. We were thrilled and touched. Nathan is convinced he can go faster now because it is a racing bike.

I am convinced we are being blessed because we are trying to get out of debt following the Dave Ramsey plan. (Love that guy) He said when you started to try to get out of debt blessings would come. That is actually like the fourth financial one we have received too.

Anyways, what a sweet guy. (The bike guy) I hope he is blessed and knows what a special thing he did. I hope he can know of our sincere thanks. Nathan is going to send him a letter.

"To know God is to serve others and the gift of serving others is one of the greatest spiritual gifts we can give to our Savior, Jesus Christ. He taught that "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" (Matt 25:40). As we put forth the time and effort it takes to serve others we are really putting that time and effort into serving our Lord." - Rachel Bruner

Happy Constitution Day!!

My face book friend Rebecca Bohman this as her status and I loved it; "The Constitution signed in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787 represents the greatest expression of statesmanship and compromise ever written. In just four hand-written pages, the Constitution gives us no less than the owners' manual to the greatest form of government the world has ever known."

I am going to reread the Constitution this week! We all should.

"To live under the American Constitution is the greatest political privilege that was ever accorded to the human race." - Calvin Coolidge

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Help! The computer has trapped me and I can't get away!

Does any one else feel like there are entirely WAYYYYYYYYY to many portals on the Internet we must check? It drives me crazy that I waste so much time! My morning goes like this: Get the kids off to school, Katie-Shay sleeps in (sidebar- I have never had a baby sleep in before. It is weird but AWESOME! She sleeps in almost everyday until 9!) Let Bo eat cheerios on the couch while watching Curious George. Can we all just have a quiet moment for Curious George... Also what crazy person lets a 4 year old eat cereal and milk on the couch? He never spills though. And then I go check my computer. I start with Blogger Reader. I hope everyone knows about this. It manages any blogs I follow and tells me when they have new posts. So I read any new blogs. Then I check my blog to see if there are any new comments. Does anyone know a trick to this? Then I check my old fashioned e-mail. I must delete junk mail every morning. Then I check my checking account (unless I want to have a good day) and then I check my face book. And then I check my face book email! It is exhausting. Imagine if I had a cell phone and texting! It is just too much. The whole time I always think "just think if I spent this much time reading my scriptures!"

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"God's Mercy is New Every Morning"

About a year or more ago I was watching Larry King and the most beautiful, sad story was on. I was moved by it and still think about it often. I wonder if I have even half the Faith and Love and GRACE that these people do. I love the way some religions speak about God and His mercy and how good He is. I like the way it sounds.

Any way, Larry King had popular Christen singer, Steven Chapman, and his family on his show. It is still on you tube if you want to watch the interview. Their teenage son accidentally ran over their young daughter. As they told their story I was moved over and over again.The family has three biological children who are 15 and older and then adopted three sweet little girls from China. When the accident happened the family had been in preparation for their daughter's wedding. Steven Chapman, the father, was on the front porch on the phone. Looking back, they believe that was part of God's plan so he was able to see his son was driving carefully and not on the cell phone, as was very common. Apparently the sisters were all playing on the monkey bars and need help getting on them. They saw Will, the 15 year old big brother, pulling in and went to get him to help them. The dad said that Will was the most amazing big brother. That he would put him up against any other brothers to compare because he was such an incredible big brother. He said that Will would stop whatever he was doing no matter what to play with his sisters and his little sister knew that. So Maria Sue, who was five,was going to get him and rounded a corner as he was pulling in. He didn't see her and struck her. The son carried her to his mother and they believe she had already passed away. Steven came to them and of course everyone was hysterical. He began crying out to "the God he knows as his Father" reminding Him of all the things He has done through times to heal, knowing that He could save his daughter. He wasn't angry but he was saying to God "you can't ask this of me, it is too much". The ambulance came and began working on the little daughter and took her to life flight. Steven got in his car and he knew his son was going through so much guilt. He was determined in that moment that he had lost one child, he wasn't going to lose two. What wisdom. Isn't God there for us in our need. As they were driving away he saw his son crumpled up on the ground with his older brother on top of him holding him and praying for him. Apparently he had tried to run away and his brother tackled him. Steven rolled down his window and had the driver stop and he yelled to his boy "Will Franklin Chapman, your father loves you!"

Those words have been in my mind for a year now. What an inspired, loving dad. It is lovely to me how really he is speaking of two fathers whether he meant it that way at the time or not.

The night of the accident the family held hands over her body and committed they were going to live their life by honoring Maria by honoring the One who gave her to them. They are grieving with hope.

When asked how the oldest sister is doing she said sister said that God's mercy's are new every morning. She says "I woke up the next morning and He has sustained me since". She also said that in the scriptures God says that He is near to the broken hearted and that she has never felt that more in her life.

By the way, the little girls names were Shaohannah (so very cute) Maria Sue and Stevie Joy. I loved the way they referred to their girls with their middle names as well. That is one reason I love to call my Kate, Katie Shay.

I had the great privilege in working one day a month for a few hours at temple. It was such a sweet experience. At the time I thought it was so crazy they asked me with all my little kids at home but now I am so glad I had the chance. At the temple I worked with a neat lady who had a baby die at age one.I was so upset by that because I just didn't know how you could lose a child and go on. She told me that we don't really learn things from the spirit when everything is going great. That it is when hard things happen that and you need the comfort that that is when you can be taught by the spirit. That has stuck with me for years. I think about how true that is. I sometimes wonder when the BIG thing is going to happen to be that I will be able to partake of the Spirit in that way. But of course I don't want that BIG thing to happen. But I do want to know the comfort and the lessons they learned going through these trails. How can you get there without the suffering? I don't want to have to go through what gets you there but I think it might be the only way.

I have been blog stalking lately and have come across a few blogs that are absolutely amazing. The strength faith these people have is amazing. The things they have learned and who they have become through their grief is amazing. Words can not say it.

One blog is written by a lady who was in a plane crash with her husband. She was burned over 80% of her body and in a coma for 5 months. She has four children. I thought of how painful it was for me when I was in the hospital extra days after Katie-Shay was born. At first of course it was fun. But after a while it started crushing me that I wasn't there for my Bo, who was 2 1/2 at the time. I wanted to be his care taker right then. I missed him desperately. Also ,of course, I was hormonal. But to be in a coma for 5 months? How did she do it! When she woke up her baby had attached himself to her sister and didn't recognize his mother. Once back at home at times he would go to the door calling for his mommy when she was right there! How did she get through this pain. There is no answer but the obvious one- God sustained her. His mercy was new each day.

Another blog I have been reading is written by a lady whose almost two year old choked and died at church with them right there, unable to save her. It was their only child at the time. Her blog eloquently describes their trial as they go through this journey of grief as their constant companion. Often times she cries in her blog, "Where is my Lucy?". My heart broke for her as I cried tears for my heavenly sister's pain. Of course this mom knows where her girl is but really, how do you go on when a child has died? There is NO answer but the obvious one-God sustains you.

I also have read a bit of a blog from a sweet mom who recently died of cancer. Throughout her journey she CONTINUOUSLY gave thanks to God. CONTINUOUSLY. Absolutely amazing. She trusted Him. He was with her through her trials. She felt blessed all the time. How does a mom leave her girls and still feel blessed? How does a mom leave her girls? God sustained her. There is no other way. I am so relieved and glad to remember and learn from others that God will sustain me as well.

I have a friend who had a few children and finally, after I believe over 10 years, got pregnant again. With no signs of previous trouble her baby was born with some problems and wasn't going to live. At first she didn't believe the Dr. because she knew God wouldn't do that to her after she tried so hard to have a baby. But it was true. Her baby died. She told me that while of course she would love to have had her baby she would NEVER trade the things they learned from the Spirit during that time...

...It was then that I started realizing what comes my way is for my good. That I will be molded like clay in God's hands and He is helping me learn the lessons I need to learn by allowing me to have trials.

I think about how when I go through my "big" trial I hope I can be full of grace and love and courage as these people are. I wonder what my "big" trial will be. And then I think, life is actually going by really fast. I am having trials just like the rest of us every day. The "big" trial may never come. In fact, I have loads of little trials that I handle poorly all the time, asking WHY ME? Feeling bad for myself, not being grateful, saying "UGH!" a LOT, having a bad attitude, being hugely annoyed. I am learning that these small trials are the ones I better learn to master now not for when the "big" trial comes. I need more faith, gratitude, hope. Am I trusting God everyday?

One thing I learned, as I learned from some of these friends who have learned from the spirit in insurmountable ways is, that ultimately I do trust God. I believe whatever He throws my way is ultimately meant for my good to mold me and shape me as clay into a better, more wiser, more patient, more loving, more understanding, more knowledgeable, more stronger, more everything good, me. I hope I will be able to remember that if life ever seems to much to bear. I hope I will remember that during all my little trials. I hope I will keep the faith and "live and let God". I hope I will remember that God's mercy is new each day. That tomorrow will look better. That God loves me, I am His child. That God will sustain me. That God will sustain you.

Whose life is this?

I have six children.

I am married to a hunter/hiker/biker/camper so I basically am single.

My life has spun freakishly out of contol.

Do you need any more proof?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Look at that adorable face!

Isn't he just so cute???!!!!! I mean really!

Can I just say for the record that:
I -HEART- Glenn Beck!
He is so wonderfully wonderful! I feel sad at how much energy his political mission has sapped from him but I truly believe he is on an inspired mission. I really believe it is true. He is brave and strong and a hero of our time. I mean it. He needs our prayers. I worry for his safety.

I must also add-
I loved Glenn Beck before he became cool! I remember laughing to him in the car when he spoke about spooky people with too many cats (over three and your nuts, sorry but its true. And I like cats!) I was cracking up and my mom saw me driving by and found it so amusing that I was so happy in my car. Glenn does that to me. I will be glad when his burden can be lightened and he can be funny again.

I got to go see my Glenny, (as he will forever be known to by me), at a book signing. Here is my head as we shook hands and had what I refer to as "my moment".
Notice the hands. We are touching. They are stacked.

My friends have had "moments" also and I accept that because Glenn is just nice that way. We all feel we had a moment with him. Except Viki who missed her moment giving him a family book and Christina who was too busy taking pictures for her dad and she missed her moment as well. :( But my moment was great! He shook my hand, then he put his hand on mine, then I put mine on his, and we had this beautiful hand stacking staring into each others blue eyes moment where I said the worst line "We love you". That was dumb so I said my next intelligent line "you probably hear that all the time" to which he broke my heart with "not nearly enough." So sad. So in case there is any doubt in the world...I love you Glenn Beck! I believe you and I support you!

Then my moment ended and the Barnes and Noble fake security guards rushed me on so Linda could have her moment. But I actually will remember that for a very long time. He has a true heart who believes in what he is doing and has such courage. I wont believe bad things about him, I just wont. He is inspiring. He is a GENIOUS. That man is a good person. And can I just say that I know I would love his wife because she is letting him go forth with his mission knowing how it can have repercussions to her life. I admire bravery because I am a bit wimpy. Glenn has said that we must journal about the time we are living in right now. I can't wait to do that. He said we are going to be history.

Any way, I just wanted to state for the record where I stand on Glenn Beck!
We are hoping he is going to move here so we can sufficiently stalk...I mean... run in to him at places.

P.S. If you haven't seen it, watch his conversion story! So interesting.

P.S.S. Here is a totally not that good picture of my Glenny hugging my big wig co melaluca president sister in law. She had him come and speak at an event. I don't think the two arm hug suites him very well. I much prefer hand stacking. Get away from my Glenny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Faith in Fair Carnival Scum has been restored! I knew they weren't so bad!

Corey and I took the boys to the state fair yesterday with some free tickets I had leftover from the rabbit show. I had told the boys they could each ride ONE ride. The rides are crazily, ridiculously expensive! As we were walking to the carnival there was a vendor that goes along with the carnival, selling every piece of light up stuff imaginable. They had multi colored light up swords that the boys thought were super cool! So they traded their ride for a sword. I bargained with the lady (thanks, Viki, for giving me the nerve) and bought them for a deal. As we were walking away of course we discovered one broken so we walked back and asked the guy in charge to trade. He did so and had to also change the batteries and then realized the toy he was selling was sort of junky. He asked how much I paid for them and I told him. THE MAN actually walked away to his cash box and brought me back ONE dollar! Faith in all humanity fair carnival scum has been restored!!! It was amazing!

Actually lots of time they're not so bad. I wonder if they get use to being treated bad so they aren't friendly. But sometimes if you are friendly they will be back as well. That or they kidnap you. Regardless none of them are as creepy as the fortune tellar lady. She is spooky in a really real way!

On a different note Bo got to go on his one ride and he chose the motorcycles. He went around and around and his little face was BEAMING!!!! Worth the 3 bucks for sure!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wanted: Time Freezing Machine...

Today I was with my baby (toddler) at the store. I was putting her in a grocery cart hogging up all the room for the people who wanted to get a cart. I apologized to a lady and she said "I've been there." I am sure she was saying that to reassure me that life will get easier and soon I won't be hogging up the isles. However it filled me with (extreme word usage coming up) PITY for her. I
seriously wanted to cry for her. How sad it is not to have a sweet chubby lovely little toddler to put in the grocery cart!

I don't want to leave this stage of live. This stage of life where I have been able to raise these little people has been magical and moving and incredible. The last 15 years has been the happiest of my life ever! Now I know if you talk to my friends they might say, but you complain about how hard it is, how you can't keep the house clean, how you can't wait to have alone time, how your husband doesn't help enough (oops, I meant to just think that one), how tired you are, ...blah blah blah. And that is true, I can't wait for those times as well. But deep down to my inner core and deep down to every fiber in my being, this is as good as it gets for me. Being the mama is the sweetest. tenderest of experiences. These children are a gift, they are lovely, (and naughty, annoying, frustrating, clueless, messy, again... blah, blah, blah..) But these children are lovely. This earth life opportunity is grand, the chance to mother is grand, the chance to have chubby toddlers with messy morning hair in grocery carts is grand. I love Heavenly Father and His wisdom. I love this stage of life. I don't want to leave it. I don't want to be one of the people looking at the young mothers, happy I don't have chubby toddlers with messy morning hair in my grocery cart. I'm sad I am moving forward. I am sad I can't ingrain these memories in my soul forever. I am sad time can't freeze right now.

P.S. However, ask me after their nap time and when school lets out. This could all change.
P.S.S. I have always loved school portraits. This year I abandoned all hope as the prices just kept creeping crazily up and the pictures were horrible. My friend Emily Downey who is a photographer took these as the school pictures for a great price. Note Nathan who is trying to have Zac Efron hair.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Team Edward... wait, no Jacob... I can't decide! Okay, Edward.

Okay, I know this totally doesn't go along with my trying to be an uplifted person but I think I must, to my greatest despair, admit that I think I love Twilight and can't wait for New Moon to come out. I know! It is totally freaking me out. I watched it a couple of times (you know with kids and hubby, sorry Corey), and I sort of thought it was dumb as was the first book and that Edward was a pedophile. But then I have found myself thinking about it a little and then a lot and now I realize Edward is sexy! It is kind of a lovely little odd love story. There are some things I seriously have issues with though, such as, Edward being a pedophile, all the sex in book four and chapter 20 of book three, some of the, okay, a lot of the cheesiness in the first movie, and the way he glitters is ridiculously...uh,... STUPID! But other than that I think I might love Twilight. That is sad. I can't help it. I discovered this HILARIOUS blog that I put a button on the side of my blog so you can find her but this girl is super funny all about her sarcastic love for Twilight. That just made me love it more.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...