Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My son...the mastermind.

Today on the way to the hospital to get Rhett's tonsils removed, Rhett informs me that his older brother, Nathan, broke the railing on the bunk bed by swinging on it. We have had these bunk beds for over 1o years, they have been great bunk beds. However, after 10 years of swinging on the railing, I am not surprised it finally broke.

Yes dad, we tell them not to swing on the railing ALL the time! ALL the time!

But to no avail, and the metal literally ripped, I guess you could say, and the railing was destroyed. So Rhett tells me that Nathan knew he broke it and pushed the railing back in place so that next time Bo swung on it he could take the blame for it. Ha! (Not "ha" to the fact that Bo would swing on it as that could hurt him, but "Ha" to the fact that Nathan tried to pull one over on me and I found out! I love it! It's great! I live for these moments! Sneaky little stinker heads! Although this kid is a good liar. It scares me a bit because I can't tell.)

So after the surgery I go into the bed room with Nathan and I casually lean on the railing hard enough to make it bend down. I tell Nathan, "oh no! Look what I just did! Dad is going to be so mad at me!" He seems confused. I proceed, "Shoot! He is going to be so mad! How about I just push it back into place and then when Bo swings on it he will get in trouble for it." Nathan agrees. That is a good plan!

Uh huh... gotcha!

Kassidy who is not in on the joke is horrified that I would let Bo take the blame.

I LOVE it when you can catch them in the act. Don't you think that was just too good for words? It does hurt my heart that he lied to me though. Right to my face. I'll be keeping my eagle eyes on that boy!

Oh yeah... about yesterdays post I apologize for annoying you all that way with my secrecy. I will give you a clue as to what it is about. It has to do with the glorious word "unlimited" and the abbreviation GNO.

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...