I have never been bothered by moving and I have always wanted to live in a variety of places. I love changes in weather, people, cultures. I have always wanted to live my the ocean.
But given all that, can I just say...we live in the best area ever! I am not going to tell you where it is because I don't want all of you moving here but it is really great. I do not live in the country but not completely in the city either. It is countryish but I still am in a neighborhood. I would rather live more in the country but this was the best we could afford. It is an area where you are comfortable letting your children play out front. It is an area where you can relax. It is and area that is especially great for raising children....
And apparently baby bald eagles.
Yep! Amazing huh! Not even four blocks away from my house live two bald eagles with their gigantic nest. It has been absolutely amazing. They are glorious to watch.
These pictures do not do justice, and I am going to try to get better ones, but for now...

Found this info on the Internet, thought it was interesting- The American bald eagle (Haliaeetus Leucocephalus) was adopted as the official emblem of the United States of America in 1782. The bald eagle was chosen because of it's majestic beauty, great strength, long life, and because it's native to North America. In the wild, an eagle will live 30-35 years (up to 50 years in captivity). A full-grown Bald Eagle has a wingspan of up to 7 foot. They fly up to 30 miles an hour and can dive at 100 miles an hour! Eagles feed primarily on fish, supplemented by small mammals, waterfowl, and carrion.
Eagles mate for life, and an established pair will use the same nest for many years. Over the years some nests become enormous - they can reach a diameter of 9 feet and weigh as much as 2 tons! The female lays 2 or 3 eggs and both parents share incubation and guard them diligently against predators such as squirrels, gulls and ravens. While the chicks are small, the parents move about the nest with their talons balled up into fists to avoid harming them.
Hopefully these guys will be around for a while!