Sunday, August 2, 2015

Is it cute or wrong that Bo is sending me via email pinterested pictures of what Pokémon birthday cakes he wants? Haha. Justine just taught him how. I am doing some prayer work and I keep getting beeps on my laptop that I have mail. This is one of the cakes in the running. He chose three cakes and wanted me to turn it into one big cake. I swear they think I am a miracle worker.
Um...I like Bacon. If I ever became a person who ate a vegan know, aside from that one week...I would have to still eat bacon.


I have been going to a lot of bridle showers and weddings lately! A lot of Kassidy and Justine's friends have been getting married so I think that is why we have more invites them normal. I love it! So fun. I threw one for our friend but I am waiting for pictures to post. I am still having some trouble getting my pictures onto my lap top lately.
I have been praying in my writing prayer format way. It is SO working for me. I think I might love it. a lot.

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...