Friday, August 28, 2015

In case you need to know how to feed a bearded dragon...I tell you.

 I LOVE horror movies....but I cannot watch them anymore. It really didn't take me long to realize it just WAS NOT worth the torture of being terrified during the movie and after. You guys, like literal pain, I would be so so scared. The kids get embarrassed to go to movies with me because I WILL scream if something startles me and they get mortified. I think about three years ago Corey convinced me to go see some scary movie with harry Potter in it. But he wasn't Harry. :( and I was terrified from the minute I got in and sick the whole time.
I grew UP on POLTERGIEST!!!! What the???? Who the????? Why the ???
I am still baffled by how that happened...
So I do like to watch scary shows during the day with the lights on while working on other activities. Unless they are too creepy. Then I can't.
Anyway, all that to share this....
Bahahahahha  bahahahahha.
Come on, that was funny.
So today I am going to teach you the easiest way to feed you Bearded Dragon which is 80 % vegetarian, you know. Ours tries to bite us because it just wouldn't be right for us to have a pet that couldn't actually be NICE (I'm bitter over Brody)!! But we are committed to him for some lamo reason.
So I googled all the yummy things they are suppose to eat which are like fruits and vegetables and different types and I chop them up in this chopper thing I have. We also mix his calcium and vitamins in.....

And Kate spooned them into ice cube trays...

And we freeze them....and then we get them out of the trays and put them in containers and keep them in the freezer and every day we give him a cube on a paper plate. He likes it. And it smells pretty yummy.
This isn't him but this is what a bearded dragon looks like. When he tries to bite us we can see clear down his throat. We still hold him. He isn't the boss of us!
Last week we adopted these little darlings so that Rhett and Bo could each have a pet. They are little sweeties with the cutest faces. I had these kinds of lizards when Corey and I were dating and first married. Lizards are my favorite.

Bo is just not that into pets. It amuses me. He is nervous I believe. But he was very glad that he got his own lizard. These cuties just eat crickets. They don't have names yet.
I keep trying to teach Justine this lesson. I am awful at it myself but am learning. I can't tell you the amounts of things I did that I didn't want to do all because I couldn't' tell people no. And to be able to say no and not have to say why? That is important. It really is.

And I do this EVERY. TIME.


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