Thursday, January 28, 2016

Hi my friends! 


They are quickly becoming my friends and I already don't want to leave them. The parole officer that is in charge of me is a guy and the social worker/parole officer is co in charge of me is a girl and they are both great. I wasn't sure at first but they like me now. I am helping the boy organize his crazy office. He hasn't filed in like a million years. he is VERY thankful to me and all the other PO's are jealous. But basically he is the reason they have an intern this semester so he deserves my great filing skills. 

I feel leery about saying too much but there has been some concern for his safety and so it was a stressful few days around there. They really don't get paid enough. 

I have been able to read tons of files and learn about how everything works. I could totally see myself doing something permanently that involves offenders and addiction but I don't know what that might be yet. I am very grateful for this opportunity. Today I got to go to the jail. Yesterday I got to set files down up on the judge's seat. It was so exciting that the "Guy" took a picture of me with his phone. I am having soooo much fun. The judge is a Mormon AND A WOMAN!!!!! WOOHOOOO!

I was going to post a picture Bo took of me on my first day of internship. But I have gained so much weight and I am so crushed about it that I couldn't bear too. I never thought I would gain it back. I don't know what has happened but something switched in my brain and now I am just really struggling. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY I make new plans to fight the battle and I just keep failing. I feel like I can TACKLE the world when I am thinner and in control of my food. So you can imagine how badly I am feeling about myself. And I am gaining weight up top. It is different since I have had my surgery and that is just weird. It's very painful. Really. So why don't I just do something about it? I have lost my power. I don't know. BUT!!!! Tomorrow I am trying again. 

So lets talk about the Hobby Lobby. 

That store STRESSES ME OUT. I want EVERYTHING. And Justine and I seriously both get anxiety over the wonderfulness of everything there (minus the enormous flowers). 

Our last visit I just had to have this little sign. I just adored it and it wasn't crazy priced. I stuck it on my new shelf and it looks so cute. 

I told Rhett, "when you read this, I am saying it to you."

 He told me, "I knew you were going to say that." It totally made me happy that he feels my love.

1 comment:

Mattsmom said...

I love love your blog. I have missed you so much since you went private. I identify so much with what you write. I gained back every single pound I had lost. I felt so powerful when I was in better control of my weight. I started losing babies, and I feel like I lost my power.,.and now I can't seem to flip the switch back on. you are awesome. You inspire me. I love how much you love Hobby Lobby! Awesome sign, and I love that your son knows you love him!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...