Monday, February 15, 2016

The other day Kate called me with the HAPPIEST little voice ever. She left me a message on the answer machine telling me that in the bottom of the bird's cage was 3 EGGS!!!!!!! She was so cute and happy. Her parakeets LAID EGGS!!!!! I thought you had to work hard to get those birds to lay eggs. In all of my little pet store experience I didn't know it could happen that easy. 

Kate had been telling me for quite a while that her birds are not getting along. I told her that sometimes sibling fights and so do birds. 

Another thing that was different is they have been shredding the paper on the bottom of the cage and making a total mess. 

And now we know why! She was making herself a little nest. Or trying to. But it was 't successful so she just had them on the bottom of the cage. Kate asked me if she could keep them all and I said "Sure!" Because I had no idea they could really hatch either. But the internet said yes!

So we will see what happens.

I was accepted to graduate school. I am freaked out. Am I smart enough for it!!!!????? All I can do is try. I am also SO scared for the debt. I am also scared about having a career.

My sweet 2nd mom, Mary, Face booked this to me. Loved it. 


Jennifer said...

You can do it, Susan! By the way, I see four eggs!

Susan said...

It keeps laying MORE!!!!!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...