Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Finding Christ for Christmas Day 2

Tonight was the best. It makes a world of difference to put the two little people to bed. Thus, we never even started our "lesson" until 10:30! Crazy I know! But we had a crazy night and day and it is what it is. I told the kids that this is the most important thing we were going to do all day.

We sat around the ginormous beautiful oak table we were gifted and we talked about Mary and we read in Luke about when the Angel Gabriel told her she was pregnant and how she must have felt. how she was probably amazed to see an angel but astonished at the news. We talked about how it was probably a relief to her that her cousin Elisabeth was also pregnant. I thought about how maybe that was God's gift to help her. Giving her someone to go through this with. We talked about how Mary journeyed instantly to see Elisabeth where she probably received comfort from an old friend. How Elisabeth's baby lept inside of her and how Elisabeth asked her why has the mother of the Lord come to see me.

It was all beautiful. Truly. The kids sat listening with such intensity. Nathan especially. They listened and I think their spirits understood. Then we listened to Breath of Heaven and I explained the whole song to them. That song is so incredible. We all need Breath of Heaven in our lives, don't we? To hold us together and light our darkness? I told the kids that. That they can pray for light in their darkness.

I think this might actually be working. I think we are finding Him. I am touched beyond words.

The kids were thrilled to move their sheep to day two star. We marked Day One with a sign that said "Jesus is our Shepard, We are His sheep". Tomorrow when we move to star three and I will mark star two with "Mary was His mother". We will be able to track our journey.


Unknown said...

Sounds so wonderful. i'm happy for you. you should make a little kit with all your stuff and sell it at Deseret Book for families to buy and use. Seriously - i just thought of a great marketing name for it... "The Advent Adventure...a journey to finding Christ in 25 days."

Terri Porter said...

That's sweet Susan. I think everyone should work every day to find Christ, but now especially. As my children have gotten older and the whole Santa Clause thing is no longer a mystery (for the most part) I find that it is so much easier to focus on the true meaning. You are such a great mother and a wonderful woman. I am so happy to have you as a friend. You make my heart leap.

kirstensblog said...

Where do you get all these beautiful pics to put on. They are great! I am trying your day 2 tonight with my fam.

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