Monday, December 21, 2015

This is Kassidy and Sister Ollerton her very first companion. She is going ot school locally and was able to come and support Kassidy. Sister Ollerton has given me a lot of insight into how it will be fore Kassidy. She also was the one who told Kassidy the statement I share later in this post. (Check out Nathan....mid hair swipe. He spends a lot of time swiping his long hair to the side, lol)

Kassisdy hugging her Aunt Sherri. But I love this girl in the back ground. She was Sister Ollertons college roommate but had also served a mission and also talked with us about what Kassidy will be going through trying to adjust. I love her face because she is just looking on with so much empathy and love.

It was very comforting for Kassidy to have Sister Ollerton there.

Um....can Kassidy go back on her mission now?

She is miserable. And she thinks we are going to Hell.

And it cracked me up because she just told me her first companion told her the first week home from your mission you think your family is going to hell. The second week you think you are going to hell and the third week you don't care anymore.

Bahaha. She totally thinks we are going to hell. The poor kid. She is trying so hard to get us to do all the right things. Prayer, scripture study, Family Home Evening. She was horrified to find out tonight that I don't believe God makes all these things happen to us. I believe things happen and Heavenly Father uses them to teach us but I don't believe he is causing bad things to happen to us. Kassidy was horrified and passionately yelling at me that "GOD IS IN THE DETAILS"!!!! I know. But I still don't believe he MAKES things happen to us. She looks out the window and says "You guys are going to Hell."


Let me give you another example.

I have to go to the gas station but my little local gas station is closed. I am in pajama bottoms. The local gas station would have no one in it so I wasn't as worried I tell her I don't want to go to the big gas station because there will be a lot of people in it and I am in my pajama bottoms. She said who cares what people think. I said "I'M IN MY PAJAMA BOTTOMS!"

 She says "There's no growth in the comfort zone."

So.....her adjusting to our fighting, movie watching family has been hard for her. Which I knew and that is why I got her to go straight up to college ASAP.

Anyway, that's all for now. I am so stressed out you guys. I am gaining weight and miserable. I think I need to go back to the addiction program and start taking quitting certain foods more seriously. Like sugar. again. UGH.


Angie said...

Bahahahahahahahahaha! I can hardly wait for 2 returned missionaries! Lol

Angie said...

Bahahahahahahahahaha! I can hardly wait for 2 returned missionaries! Lol

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...