Sunday, October 25, 2015

Good Grandpa

Yesterday I had to work ALL day. Boo. But I so love my coworkers. They make work the best ever.

My parents baby sat for the day and since my mom has had less energy for a while now due to her illness, I suggested to my dad that maybe he should carve pumpkins with the little kids.
He did not disappoint! And my dad let kids pick the biggest pumpkins they have ever had.
My dad was impressed with Kate's very precise carving. Bo had more fun stabbing knives into the pumpkin and making it pretty slaughterish!

And this because I adore. Look at those sharks little fins!!! So cute.

I had a few tastes of the adult world the other day in an internship fair. I had to walk around from table to table and have little mini get to know each others with agencies who might allow me to have an internship with them. Then they get to decide if I impressed them well enough to want me to come back for an interview. I died. It was so stressful I died. Seriously. I felt so insecure and out of place I died.
Three places chose me for an interview. I think that is decent enough. The exciting and stressful part is that MY top three choices were the ones who chose me. And I want every single one and I am scared to do every single one.
I will probably make my blog private when I start my interns. :( I don't really want to but I feel like it is wise. I know no one reads private blogs. Haha. But I still am going to.

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Hello, my old friend.

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