Friday, December 26, 2014

A little Christmas Eve. Santa (Corey) brought the kids each their OWN suirtable cheese whiz. They are sucking it STRAIGHT out of the can!!!! YUCK!!!!!!

Justine. What a nice girl. Why she hasn't had a million dates is beyond me. Bo informed us today that she is the one in the family who annoys him the most. I have no idea what his problem is! I honestly think he is trying to cut apron springs and loving a big sister is too much for him and him trying to be boyish. It's the only thing I can think of. 

That didn't stop him from begging her to sleep with him. So she squeezed into his twin bed for a night. Bo has the worst mattress in the house (he likes it!) so I am sure it wasn't a restful night. 

He also spent some time painting with her. Justine  believes she is completely creative and uncrafty. But she is always the one looking for projects. She has painted some very cute canvases with things from Pinterest and she is now working on a beading project. 

Justine REALLY enjoyed this nutrition class she took and because forest rangery is a close tie but not quite as high on her list (she didn't love her science class) she may go into dietitianing. I don't know what the proper name is. I think that would be a great idea.

Christmas Eve

I made our families traditional clam chowder for dinner. It has a pound of bacon and almost a pound of butter. It is delicious. And we only can have it once a year.

Kate had me write a note to Santa. And he ate the cookies and drank the milk and wrote her back. She is the only believer left in our family. Bo asked and asked for the truth and Corey told him. I think he's too young! But I admit I love it when the gig is up. I find it stressful to put on a facade of Santa and the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny. It was fun for my first 10 years of mothering but now I'm good. 

For Christmas I gave Kate my doll house from when I was a little girl. My dad made it for me. I got all these barbies and some of the furniture from the thrift store. I told everyone I was going to wrap it and everyone told me not to and I did anyway. Christmas morning the kids told her it was hers. She wouldn't believe them. She told me "It's a family gift, huh, mom!?" I told her it was hers! She felt very special I think to have the biggest present. (I had talked to Bo about it and he knew it was just a doll house and that I had gotten him other special stuff so he didn't seem to mind.)


For anyone who knows Kassidy will understand how exciting it was that Santa found this Thor doll and put it in her sock for when she returns. We showed it to her on Skype. She wants me to mail it to her....Um let me think about

Why, yes I have been eating non stop. It's ridiculous. Today I woke up and said I am going to exercise TWICE and not eat crap. I woke up....saw my chocolate covered cherries...and that was that. 

I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kristopher told me...I AM CAPABLE. 

More blogging tomorrow! I have quiet books to make. 

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...