Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Oh my goodness! The prettiest ever.

One year my good buddy Aine and her kids made sun catchers and hung them ALL OVER their front window at Christmas time. They made a whole window of tissue paper sun catchers. They were so pretty. I  always wanted to make some. So since I committed to one craft and one treat a week until Christmas....I decided we would make them. I Pinterested how and this is how ours turned out. 

I cut these on black card stock from a stencil I printed off the computer. 

Then I cut up this beautiful tissue paper...

Bo, who as usual likes to do things his own fancy way, instead of laying each piece of tissue paper all nice, he just picked up a huge pile and smashed it on. Sticky contact paper is on the bottom. His actually turned out awesomely beautiful!

Nathan came along and Kate let him make one of her trees...

 Aren't they the best???

Next year I think we should cover the whole window.

 So, tonight I finished all the stressful things about school for this semester. I still have some math to deal with but it isn't freaking me out. I will so miss my math tutor. He was so much fun. But he totally thought I was an old lady. Super offensive. 

I am feeling HUGE relief right now and honestly for some reason I really want to work on those quiet books I work on occasionally for no good reason other than they are cute.

I do start school again in two weeks though! Sheesh. 

Corey has been so so sick. Between his Lupus and a horrible cold he is miserable. I actually don't know how he stands it. 

okay, ta ta for now. :)

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