Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Sometimes I get caught up in worrying about writing what people might  like to read on my  blog.

I don't want people reading my blog and being bored or think I am a lamo.

But I have to keep in perspective as to why I started this blog. So my children would know me. And really deeply.... know me. If I died some of my babies would barely recall me. That is unbearable.

So I write for them and I share with you. And I hope you don't judge harshly. And just take me as I am. I am going to continue to write things whether they be popular or not. Because they are for the purpose of teaching my children what I value and what I think is important. And so they will know me.

So....sorry if any of you think hearing about orphans is boring.Or that I am addressing that subject too much. But I might be writing about that a bit. Because frankly I am a little scared that our concern for orphans is not greater. And I read a great blog post tonight from a blog I really love.

This girl and her husband were living the fast life to bigger and better when..... they stopped. And saved children. And I love that. I mean really love it.

And today her blog post just really made sense and is something I have been thinking about lately.

For the purpose of when I get my blog printed into a book I want some of this written down, so that is why I have attached her post onto my post. But please visit her blog HERE. Her name is Shelley. She inspires me so.
She and her family were taking a vacation. But they were all really sick and they were praying to get better so they could enjoy their trip.

"Here’s the truth that’s burdening me: I spent the last week fervently praying for and encouraging my children to pray for… a vacation. And frankly, that’s pretty lame.

Yes, we’re called to bring our prayers and petitions before the Lord. It’s true that He numbers even the hairs on our heads and cares deeply about the details in our lives. And a family vacation seems innocent and wholesome enough for a prayer topic.

But let’s get some perspective.

I know many mommas who live in the third world. And in third world countries, women don’t pray for their children to get well so they can go on vacation. Those women pray for their children to get well so they can live.

The rich pray for things like vacations, parking spots, faster internet access and enough money to make private school tuition. While the poor pray for things like food, water and basic life necessities.

On Tuesday (whilst on my much-prayed-for vacation) I read this quote from Jen Hatmaker: “The poor world is begging for mercy like Bartimaus, while the rich world is asking for more favor like James and John.”
And then it hit me right between the eyes. That’s me. That’s what I’m doing. I’m constantly asking God for more favor, more blessing, more good stuff in my already way over-blessed life. With every breath of most of my prayers on most days, I’m begging the Lord for ease. For comfort. For fun. For a complete lack of suffering in any capacity."

What do you all think about that?
Isn't that a different perspective than I think we are use to thinking about?

I loved it.

Here is a VERY interesting and EYE opening and HEART breaking read.... I am only a few chapters in and really recommend it.

It's Not Okay With Me

And don't forget to support my friends if you are willing. Buy their son's beautiful song. It is worth every penny. All the money goes to the adoptions of two little girls.


1 comment:

Susan said...

Michelle said...I. love. you. :) More to say later!

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