Sunday, December 4, 2011

Closer to Christ Day 4

Today I taught the kids about when Christ was crucified and died. If you read it in the Bible and really think about it and picture how Jesus was with his friends and just really put yourself into the whole story, it is astounding. Sometimes it is easy to just think of it as something that happened without really, really thinking of it as something that really happened. And the interesting details before the Crucifixion.

Once I saw a one man show by Bruce Newbold on the last day of Christ. It was super interesting.

In our church Hymn book there is a song entitled "There is a Green Hill Far Away". I wanted to find it sung on You Tube to share with the kids as music and bring the Spirit to things so very much.

I must be living in a cave. I had no idea this song was sung outside of our religion and I had no idea it has so many different tunes then the one I am use to hearing. Tunes that are familiar to me from something a but I can't figure out what.

Here is one version I just really liked....

Here is the way it is sung in our church....

and here was the version I shared with the kids....

It was good. Then we colored a picture that showed a little road and path the the Garden of Gethsemane.

I hope you all don't get sick of reading what we did. I just have people ask me sometimes.

Won't somebody please "follow" me....I get tired of being stuck at 39 every. day. Just someone please make it an even 40. It bugs me.

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Hello, my old friend.

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