Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Nativity Bandit strikes again

Bo did the same thing to a different Nativity that I have!

Sorry if this is just one of those things where I think my own kid is cuter and cleverer than he really is but come one all ready! Adorable right?

AND..... the Snowman Nativity was all on the table after being played with (K.A.T.E. ugh) so I put it back on the piano in normal old fashioned Nativity scene way and I came back later and.....this....

I love him!

Want a good, insprational, touching cry? Check out this post.....

It's longish. But worth it. And the girl has like 17,000 followers. Wow!

And here is my pathtic little picture of my son playing the violin with his teacher at our church Christmas party. It was B.E.A.U.T.I.FU.L. Even the part where he had to stop the whole song and have his cute teacher show him where he was at. Twice. It was still B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. And I dare anyone to say it wasn't! Which they won't becasue it just was! And I may or may not have been BEAMING. Okay, I was.

(I need a new camera! Giant GRRRRRR) (And my blog spell check is broke. So there. I don't have time to go back and edit)

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