Sunday, December 11, 2011

Closer to Christ Day 11

Today was a busy and good Sunday. I taught the kids about when Christ calmed the sea. I tried to really visualize that. wonder they were terrified. Being on a small fishing boat in a storm! That would be scary! I wish the Savior was with me all the time. Wouldn't you feel so safe?

Corey and I spoke today in church, Bo gave a little talk, I taught in primary, my primary leaders and I delivered gifts to the primary kids and teachers, and we went to tithing settlement. Busy good day. And Justine babysat so our neighbor could go to the church choir and they took Nathan so that he could count it for his orchestra assignment. I actually would have liked to have gone but our van has died.


I don't know WHAT got into me last Sunday. I already have a CRAZY life but a sign up sheet crossed my path at church. It was a sign up sheet to serve the other group of LDS people that go to church in our building at a different time. They served our dinner for our Christmas party and then we were to serve their food for their Christmas party. There are tons of people in our church group (which is called a ward) who could and would do it but I found myself signing my name to the sheet. And My daughters. Why? Someone else could do it! But I just felt like I should. Also I saw that my friend Kirsten was preparing a turkey and that made me feel guilty for not helping. I am so vulnerable to peer pressure. Oh...and the other people who signed up to serve were people I loved so I wanted to work with them.

So Saturday night Justine and I went and served for 31/2 hours. It was a joy. Nathan's cute little 7th grade teacher, whom I love was, there helping and when people would thank her she was so bright and cheery...."It was fun!!!! She would say every time. I want to be more like that. I do.

Anyway, right before going to the church to serving we were discussing the miracle of the fish and bread with the kids during our Closer to Christ project.

Then, while serving the food to ALL of these people I just started thinking about Christ. And that story. And how he would probably be serving all these people if he was here. And I felt GREAT love for all these people. Maybe a few hundred. It felt like a privileged to dish up their plates as they came through the line. I literally got teary standing there serving ham.

What an honor to serve. So glad I did. And guess was fun!

And my other great serving friend, Angie, swears we were having a miracle of the corn that night. We should have been out of corn but every time she was scooping it wasn't gone! Ha!

Tonight I am drinking two diet Pepsi's. I haven't had any all week. That was my goal. I am not a huge pop addict but I like it. But I thought I better reign myself in before I add anymore bad habits to my list! I am drinking them late because I have to stay up until midnight so I can watch Dog the Bounty Hunter, which with our cheap cable doesn't come on until midnight on Sunday night. WuZ up with that??????

I can't help it. I just love him.


Heather C. said...

We love Dog too. It's such a guilty pleasure!

Anonymous said...

A few years ago an article appeared in the Ensign or Church News by a lady who all her life had been of service to those in need. Now she was laid-up and didn't like having others server her, but then she realized there had to be some one in need for service to be given. My policy since then has been the last one to volunteer so that others have a chance. I currently get assigned duties and that is different. I have been volunteering once a week since no one else was available.
I don't spend a second watching Dog do and it is a plesure to not feel guilty.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...