Friday, October 9, 2009

I didn't know I was so quirky! ...Okay, I lied, I did know that.

25 random things about me!
(I wrote this about 6 month ago on facebook but since my blog is going to be my journal I wanted to have it on record)

1. I love to play games and am very competitive. Some people don’t like to play with me. I hate when people only play for fun and don’t want to do important things such as, oh I don’t know … keeping score!
2. My idol is Mrs. Duggar, that sweet home schooling mother who never yells who just had her 18th baby. I always and still do want to be like that!
3. I am always way jealous and super jealous when I see pregnant people. Even if I just had my own baby I am jealous. My most favorite time of life is when you just have had a baby and you have those two days in the hospital alone with them. I love that. One time I took 7 rolls of film!
4. I worked at a pet store for 5 years. I had a great friend named John who worked with me. One day he says “Hey! Want to smell my snake?” They were vipers and supposedly smelled like cucumbers. So I say “Sure!” I smell his snake and get bit right between the eyes. Is that not the stupidest story you ever heard! A few days later he came to work with his arm swollen like 10 times the size. That could have been my face. Someone was definitely watching over me. I still do love reptiles a ton though. I can kill a mouse with my bare hands to feed to snakes.
5. I helped found a charter school that truly changed the course of my child’s life forever.
6. Must mention Glenn Beck! Got to meet him and get my book signed and stare into his eyes while we had this whole hand holding thing with all four hands going on. Very funny.
7. Hate camping. Corey and I always fight because I am stressed. I am scared of the wild or having an emergency or seeing animals or being lunch and I much prefer the city and people. Corey says the city is when I NEED to be scared.
8. I LOVE DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER and his whole show. I truly honestly think he is a really special person.
9. I knew Hugh was sexy before People did!
10. I cannot, not dance when Neil Diamond is on. He rocks! I am a horrible dancer but I don’t care. Me and my kids…we dance.
11. I chat with my dad about nothing almost every day. It is fun.
12. I hate that part about me that has to tell people everything about my life that is on my brain. Why can’t I just keep some things private or lie a little, or make things sound better. I don’t know why I have to say too much.
13. I secretly want to be one of those super in shape people who are training for one of those things were you swim, bike, and run. Someday seriously I want to get all muscular.
14. I use to volunteer at a place that taught disabled people how to ride horses and have their therapy on horses. I worked with a man who had a brain injury and helped him ride. I loved it! Love the smell of horses and helping people. No one else wanted to work with the grownups so I did.
15. I love math! I can hardly do it but I love it so much. I want to go back to school and really learn how it works.
16. I am super proud of the fact that all my kids will eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables (including beets) and like them! My toddler will eat a whole green pepper himself.
17. I am scared of everything the least bit scary! I can’t even sleep towards my husband because then my back is facing the door and I don’t want to be snuck up on. I had to quit watching scary movies because I would just be sick afterwards. (Why am I sleeping closest to the door anyways…Corey?)
18. I can’t stay up late. I get so tired and get super grumpy. Corey says Zelda (or some crazy name he calls me) has come out. When I stay out late with my friends he always wants to call them and warn then that I might get mean.
19. I love to plant the garden but then don’t want to do anything else with it.
20. My favorite thing about face book is my farm! Send more trees!
21. I stink on the computer. Corey has to show me everything. He says he has to come home from work and then work more with me.
22. Sadly, I must admit, I am an airhead. I hate it but I am ditsy. One time I was screwing in the drain stopper and was getting all mad because it wouldn’t screw in. I told Corey it was broken so he came to help and I was trying to turn it the wrong way even though I had done it a bazillion times. Stupid stuff like that happens to me all the dumb time!
23. I would love to be a labor and delivery nurse.
24. I want to open an orphanage or help start a program to help get orphaned kids adopted better and faster, or go do baby massage on orphans. Or go join the Peace Corps. I really want to go do something huge and meaningful and save part of the world. I always wanted to adopt older orphaned children. But now I am getting tired. For about 10 years now on my night stand table in a frame I have had a picture and a quote from Mother Teresa that I cut out from a magazine. It says “Maybe if I had not picked up that one person dying on the street I would not have picked up the thousands. Although I am not helping in that extreme it gives me hope that my daily (or weekly) acts are adding up and mean something.
25. I have a whole shopping for food ritual. Every two weeks I make a food menu of what we are going to eat for the next few weeks. I write down every ingredient I need to get at the store and approx how much it will cost so I don’t overspend. I clean my fridge and my pantry so I can put away the food in a clean organized fashion. I CAN”T STAND a messy fridge and I will not keep food around if it is the least bit old. I am not wasteful but I have this mentality it will give me food poison. Even though he hates it Corey always shops with me and bugs me to the hurry the whole time but it is worth it because he bags the groceries and carries them in the house.


Christina said...

You really are the quirkiest person I know Susan! :) Lol! Just kidding! Love ya!

kirstensblog said...

Here is something quirky about me. I absolutely hate the feel of real cotton balls. Blechhhhh shiver shiver.

Here is something good I can do:
I can diagram sentences pretty dang well.

Here is something random:
We used to have a potato pit on my growing up property, and we'd go inside where the light would stream through in beams, and Trent(big bro) would put on magic shows for us little kids by throwing tempra paint powder through the beams. It looked like awesome color explosions of MAGIC! Love that Trent.

Anonymous said...

I remember when you worked at Animal Crackers pet store. That's when I was working at Cooper 7, I think. Long time ago!

Ty did Hippotherapy for a while in Breckinridge and I need to get him back into it. That's something I thought about doing, too, was volunteering.

I worked in Labor and Delivery as a tech. loved it!

Hey! Why don't you accept my neighbor request for farming! HUH? (I'm a little obsessed)

I just rambled on, didn't I? :) Loved reading your list!


Unknown said...

I remember when you put that on FB. You are a fun person. Love you.

Susan said...

Terri said...Wow! Now that is truly random. Susan, theres a whole other person inside of you that I never knew. (no pun intended)
2. Hopefully you don't like the hair. I know someone who really needs a makeover.
3. Me too. If I weren't so old I'd have a f...ew more.
5. You go girl. Little F-er's rule.
13. We are going to find that skinny girl and bring her out. Watch out Corey.
17. At least you don't sleep with a hatchet under your bed, like some people. lol
18. You've never been grumpy with us.
24. You truly are a Mother Teresa at Heart. You are the most compassionate person I know. I love you Susan ;)See More
at 2:44pm · LikeUnlike.Kelly Olsen Parkinson I am still laughing at this list! The snake story is hilareous! And #17 is so me! I am addicted to Dog and Leland and Beth and Baby Lisa, and the handsome Duwanye Lee! I LOVE THIS LIST!!

Heather said...This list is great!! I'm glad that you aren't a one liner, the stories are much more fun :) I'd love to do a triathalon, but I am way too lazy.

Melissa said...I love Duwayne Lee!!!

Susan said...Duwaynle is definately the cutest but the Dog I still love the most. It is those prayers! SO funny but they are so good.

Susan said...Also about Mrs. Duggar...She did have a mullet for quite some time but it has now grown out!

Corey said...‎1. I will play with you, but you might not like the game.....
2 - Then maybe find another man becuase I quit.- 6 is enough.
7 - Camping - the bears and cougars are after the kids, not you, your safe.
9 - Hugh Grant?????
10. C'mon remember line... dancinig at Ricks College? We could really cut the rug!
11. I hate that you tell everybody everything, because there's things I don't want people to know about me. Shush your mouth Susan.
15. start with our checkbook, dear.
17. Because I don't want to be bothered by kids saying " I can't fall asleep".
18. It's Natasha... and yes Susan's friends... she is a monster.
22. Let's not go there....
25. I hate shopping!!!

Susan said...

Heather said...I couldn't stop laughing at Corey's comment "the bears and cougars are after the kids!! I am totally afraid of something like that, OK I am also scared of other things...and I sleep close to the door too!! What is wrong with me?? I need to change places!!! (My kids would walk around to the other side to tell me anyway :)

Jennie Bohrer said...I will do the triathlon with you as soon as I learn to swim properly. I can do the bike and the run, but not the IronMan (2 mi swim, 112 mi bike & 26.2 mi run, ugh).
I hate scary movies also. I still hate to look in a mirror at night after... Sixth Sense and it wasn't even that scary.
I figure if I can raise 5 decent citizens I have done quite alot for now.See More

Sarah said...You should consider becoming a foster parent! Plenty of children out there that need a safe home. And, if you get really attached and it doesn't work out for them to go home or be placed with a relative, maybe you can adopt them!

Terri said...‎11. Corey, it's because of all the wonderful things that Susan tells us, that we love you sooo very much. lol
17. Okay Big Man...step it up!

Jeri said...I loved reading about who you've grown up to be- and I'm amazed at how you downplay what an incredible and amazing person you are! You are so creative- so gifted at things in a natural sort of way that money cannot buy- schools cannot teac...h- i love you cousin! And I wish we lived closer so we could do all kinds of things together- really. and don't wait another day to get lean and strong- You're gonna love how it feels as you tone up. I've been working on it for the past few months and I think "what took me so long!" A lot of wasted years of not feeling as great about myself as I do now! I have a ways to go, sure- but it feels dang great to be on my way!

Christina said...Hahah! This is a great list!!! Again, just like Viki, we have a lot of things in common! The more that you get to know people the more that you realize why you are friends! I am saddened by #17, I will have to scratch you off my : potential people who would watch a scary movie with me list. And #1 makes me laugh! I have never lost Scattergories!

Susan said...

Kent said...‎#'s 1,3,12,17,20 possibly OCD
#24 - 6 children raised well x 2 good deeds per day = 12 per day "from you." Keep up the good work and fear not; you have my telephone number that works 6:30 AM to 10:30 PM.

Terri said...What a sweet Dad. Susan, remember to be thankful for him :)

Linda said...I love your list too! And yes, Dad, you are very sweet! And Susan, we have almost nothing in common, I guess. 'Cept maybe Glenn, the world's orphans, and I'd probably like Mrs. Duggar if we had cable. Oh, and the staying up late thing, can't do that. But I hate competition, snakes, beets, scary movies and a triathlon seems like voluntary torture. But I love ya anyway and don't know how I'd get through my days without you!!

Pauline said...After reading your #13 I remembered that one time when we were like 10 and I was over at your house. We went on a one day diet and would run around, eat something healthy and then run up and weigh ourselves. Do you remember that?

Susan said...I actually vaguely remember that! Mr brain is sort of mushy right now but when you brought that up I can remember it.So funny!

Viki said...So fun to read. I must admit - I thought that Corey really liked going shopping with you - like it was your "thing" you do together - next time - leave him home and come shopping with us (uh - I mean, ...out to lunch!) =)

I HAVE to sleep facing the door - it's one of my many wierdo things. I think it is subconsciuosly because I need to be the first one out in case of an emergency or something - but it also may have something to do with the fact that Greg is pretty wussy and I would have to be the one fending off any potential intruders! (HeHe)
Love ya'
Susan said...I think Corey secretly does like going with me but it isn't manly so he can't admit it. I tell him every time he doesn't have to come but he always does!

Sherri Empey said... You are so fun! You have a great sense of humor and make me laugh :) Thanks!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...