Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I'm back!!!!! I don't know where I went!

Almost 30 days without a blog post. I really don't know how that happened. I just don't.

So I am just going to get going again because I love the history it creates of my life. 

So lets start with how much I am adoring this kid lately.

Playing with the littles in the sandbox. Letting them bury him alive. So sweet. 

He is cracking me up because all he wants to do is watch Bear Grylls and learn about survival tips. He is LOVING it and wants me to sen him to survival camp. The whole family is addicted to the commercial on Discovery Channel about loving the Whole World. Our favorite part is when Bear turns to his little scorpion on his shoulder and sings so softy to him that he loves the whole world. We watch it over and over and sing it. Cute. Rhett got a few seasons of Man Vs. Wild for his birthday as we don't have cable. And it has been a family favorite.

Tonight Kate cried and cried for Justine. And she said she has no siblings. I told her she still had brothers who loved her. A few minutes later I convinced Rhett to go in and hug her goodnight and tell her that he loved her. He didn't want to but agreed. Unfortunately when he tried she went "uh". As in "go away I am being a big bratty pants". Sigh. But sweet brother for trying.

So...I have tons to say but I have to go do math before I get too tired. 

Let me just say this. I have decided to quit eating sugar. Today. And tomorrow. And the next day. 

What started this? Again? 

10 candy bars in one day. 

And I ADORED every second of it. And I could have had ten more. No lie. Not even a slight exaggeration. 

And I wanted to do the same the next day also. It felt so good. 

More of the story tomorrow. 

For now....

P  x (apr)

....calls my name. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fortunately I am too cheap to buy more than one, well maybe two.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...