Wednesday, October 28, 2015

My mom is full of crazy talent

I hear Kate locked in the bathroom, talking to Grandma secretly because she knows her mom will not approve, "And I want a zoo keeper suit and an astronaut suit and a animal doctor suit...." and she was rattling off all of her new doll clothes she was wanting my mom to make.

Check out these cute doll clothes my mom made...

The astronaut suit-with REAL BOOTS she bought somewhere!
Elsa and Anna (I have to admit I have never watched the movie and am only mildly positive who is who....

The zoo keepers suit. Which melts my heart a little because it reminds me of my Steve. WHICH REMIND ME! Holy Cow!  I met a customer at the boot store who cried when Steve died and who also has a Crocodile Hunter board game. I haven't met anyone else who oved him as much as me.

And the veterinarian scrubs.
Seriously so cute! 

My girl is a lucky little girlie. And no, my mom doesn't take orders. :( Only from Kate apparently.
I had one intern interview so far. One of the positions I was after was filled by the cutest girl ever and the other one I want hasn't called me back. If I get this one that I interviewed for it will CERTAINLY be a new experience for me.
Shall I tell you?
Adult Probation and Parole!
What the what?!!!????
They might not want me now though. When they asked me what was one of the worst things I would be offended by and I gave them my honest answer it was a little shocking to all of us. I have been busting up over it ever since then. Last night as I was falling asleep I started cracking up and almost woke Corey up. Why can't I just be a little less myself sometimes!
I think I might not be very good at interviews. They were super nice to me though.

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