Saturday, March 26, 2016

Have you noticed I have been rebellious and quit titling my blogs?

I seem to have lot my luster for blogging. Part of that comes from not having the enjoyment of readers and part of it is because I want to make the blogs into books and it is so much time and effort that I haven't gotten it done and I don't want to feel like I am blogging for no reason. Also it can become overwhelming to try to keep track of everything that is going on! I defiantly do want to continue.

I am about two weeks away from being done with this semester and my internship at Adult Parole and Probation. It has been a GREAT learning experience. I really enjoy the people there and I really enjoy working with the offenders. They are ultimately just people and as my teacher says all the time about clients "They are us and we are them.". I am finding that to be oh so true. Especially since I have been "them" for ever as I have been in continuous therapy and a client in that regard. I love my newest therapist, Rachel. She has been great. 

Corey and I have been in marriage therapy with a guy named Joel. Since no one reads this anymore I can say that and no one will even know the difference. LOL. We have had quite the few difficult years. Therapy is my way. It is definitely not his. But I need to be "heard" and this is the way it is going to happen. Joel is a great therapist as well. Thankful for our great insurance. 

I have been interning while my kids have been home for spring break. Grandma took them for a day and made these beautiful sugar cookies together! So glad for the fun day they had. 

My picking them up from my internship. I have gained weight. I am MISERABLE over it. 

They made some dang cute one. 


Jennifer said...

Good luck to you, Susan! I think you are a bright light, and through your blog I've learned so much about being a more joyful mother.

Aine said...

Yes I did notice your titles, you rebel you! And people DO still read your blog, funny girl. Look at your awesome cookies. They're adorable. And I know you hate the weight gain, but trust me, you haven't gained ALL of it back. And you are and always have been beautiful. ♥

Mattsmom said...

I read your blog!

I learn a lot from you.
I hear what you are saying about gaining weight and feeling miserable over it.
I feel the same about myself.
I gained back all 50 lbs I lost.
And I lost all the muscle I gained.
I hate myself for it.
Your words resonated with me awhile back, when you talked about the old way being the new way. It is my old way as well, and I know that it is the only thing that works for me. I lack motivation, and there seems to be an abundance of Easter candy still hanging around.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...