Monday, April 11, 2016

I love Bo. He is a sweet, gentle, spirit.

I heard somewhere that right before bed you should fill your kids with good feelings because they take it to bed with them. No pressure. Ca sue bed time is sometimes GET TO BED at our house. Bo and Kate and I insist I tuck them in every night and say their prayer FOR them. I finally have Kate saying part of her own. We take turns with each sentence. Its ridiculous but she likes it. Bo...nope. He wont say his own so I have to say it. When I was sick I couldn't tuck either of them in but love just so had it that Justine was home so she did. And Bo made her pray. And she is so shy and felt so weird. But I thought it was the sweetest thing that he made her.

When I decided I was going to say good things to him I was thinking of that cool teacher that is on FB sometimes who is telling the kids You are special. And you are a great part of the class room. I like that guy. So I told Bo I loved him. And the he and I had been through a lot together. Because he had 13 ear infections before he turned one and he and I would rock and rock all night that whole year. He liked that for about a second and then had to discuss the exact feeling of what an ear ache feels like and how what happens if you can't have medicine and on and on. He likes to learn how stuff works!

He really has become addicted to the iPad. It's bad. And I let him play because I have been doing too much lazy parenting. Today I told him no more. He and Kate played "puppies" for hours. It was awesome. I never let the other kids have much access to video games. We don't have a wii or Nintendo or anything. But Corey has is work iPad and I did what I knew I would do. Let him waster his brain so I didn't have more stress.

But tonight in his prayer I told heavenly Father to help his cough get better. Bo told me that I shouldn't have said that. Because now his cough was going to take longer to go away. That I should say that his cough gets worse. HUH? Smart guy, I finally understood that he didn't want me to pray for his cough to get better at doing it's job which is too cough! Haha.

Love him.

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