Monday, April 16, 2012

Mistakes are good.....*shudder*

I admit I don't know what this is about. All the girls taking pictures of themselves. It is weird. And I often find photo sessions on my camera with sometimes up to twenty pictures of crazy poses just like these. Silly.

Kassidy had a little altercation with Face Book and her privileges have been suspended. So....what do you do when you can't get on your own FB? Hack into your mothers. It started out gentle and sweet....

Don't leave your facebook up dear mother, or youll get posts like this! Thanks for being amazing and the best mom! Thanks for putting up with a crazy teen! Your beutiful inside and out and you have great advice (even though i dont listen or argue) sometimes you are right. Sometimes you dont know that your wrong. :P Thats okay cuz we all make mistakes. Your one of the most talented women i have eve...r known, you keep doing it! And dont let the loss of your book cause you stress or bring you down. Everything has a purpose! You make awesome cakes, and crafts and i appreciate your hard willing to try to control the 5 crazy children under the age of 16. :) I hope youll miss me when im gone next year, if not....... i take this all back. :P jk I love you very much! ♥ Kassidy :]

And ended up with a post about me singing some crazy song in the shower. It's too embarrassing to post. Also I now speak Czechoslovakian  and I think Italian.

None the less, I am very proud of Kassidy.

I have learned so much from her.

I am a mom and a person who FIRMLY believes... don't make mistakes...learn from others. It is way easier.

It was brought to my realization that mistakes aren't bad. (I cringe even as I write that) Mistakes are how you learn. (I am still cringing. Why make the mistakes when you can learn from others????) 

Kassidy has told me more than once "I want to learn from my own mistakes!!!"

And of course I lecture "Why make mistakes....." Say it  with me people, you know the rest.

And sure enough Kassidy has made some mistakes. Pretty harmless ones honestly. (Don't tell her I said that)

And she has learned LEAPS and BOUNDS from them.

Far more than I could have taught her by telling her to avoid those mistakes.

Recently at her early morning seminary class (like bible study) she was able to teach others what she had learned. From her own personal experiences. What self esteem she must have gained from learning those lessons on her own.

See? Sometimes I am wrong! Only sometimes though.

I love her. Isn't she terribly photogenic?


kirstensblog said...

Yes! She is! And thiscrazy softball game is going on forever and it's cold an I'm worried about our girls out there!

Anonymous said...

She's adorable and I completely agree with learning from other peoples mistakes but I guess it just doesn't work for everyone. Camy

Susan said...
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Susan said...

Michelle said...Love it. Just love it :) (And yes, she is very photogenic)

Megan said...She is SO gorgeous! You are the best mom and I learn something from you every time I read your blog. I want to be like you someday!

Nancy said...You have a beautiful girl there!

Nichol E said... The lessons we learn from our own mistakes seem to resonate more in our memory banks! Unfortunate

Hello, my old friend.

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