Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My little sugar plum

Kate LOVES to help me make my bed. Everyday she asks to help me. Little sweetie.

The other day she did it all. by. herself!


Dang good, don't you think?!!!!

Today I was clipping her nails. Grandma Chamberlain was coming to babysit. Sometimes she brings her kindle fire so Kate can play games. Kate wanted me to clip her nails so she could play the kindle and not have her "creepy claws". That busted me up!

Love her. She frustrates me with her NONE STOP TALKING and question asking....

What's the neighbor name?
What's her mom's name?
Do you like dogs?
Do you like goats?
Do you like pigs?
What is your favorite color?
Can you whistle?

On. and. on. and on.

She told my mom she wants her to be her mom because I won't let her talk. Sad. :( But my brain is officially fried.

But I love her tons....have I mentioned Melatonin is my new BFF? This kid would NEVER go to bed at night. No naps and up until 11 every night. And she was still three! But now I give her the smallest dose and she is out and I am able to keep a smidgen of sanity. Phew.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Mary said...‎"dang" good! she's a cutie-pa-tootie!

Nancy said...Hooray for Katie! Nice job! Never turn down a little person who wants to help!

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