Saturday, March 21, 2015


Oh. My. Goodness.

How long has it been? Like a month????

This has been such a hard semester as far as work load. I have been so busy.

I have spent 4 hours alone just with private tutors for statistics. I have been going every Friday night for tutoring. What a gift it is thought that the school gives free tutoring. If not for that, I would not be getting through these math classes. That is a huge blessing. I don't even hate math. I am enjoying it. And I am enjoying when I FINALLY get it figured out. And my cute youngster tutors are all proud of me and happy when I get it too. It's sad when a 21 year old tells you he is proud of you and it makes you feel good. But my brain just doesn't want to get it. And it actually hurts my self esteem. Why can't I get it? I got my second F on a test. Because I have been working my butt off I could still get a B n the class even with my horrible test scores but in order to get a B I would have to get a B on the next test. And I literally don't know if I can. I spent three hours taking the test today that I got an F in. It is JUST HARD.

This semester has also kept me out of my home a lot. I have loved it because it has been so fun but I have not felt like a very good mom to the kids. My schedule for the next 4 semesters (WHAT IN THE WORLD!!!! I WILL HAVE GONE TO SCHOOL 6 YEARS JUST FOR MY BACHELORS) are going to be much simpler. I could push the schooling and get done in three semesters but it isn't worth it to me because of the strain it would be on myself and my family. I am trying to enjoy the journey also!

Whenever this college girl comes home she just takes right over being mom to Kate. I asked her if she felt bad about it but she said no and didn't even know what I was talking about. She loves her little sister! It is so sweet. Kate is so funny and bossy! Justine brought Kate sticker books for them to work on. Kate liked Justine's puppy book better. So they decided (per Kate's demand) that they would each work on three pages and then trade. So that is what they did.

I have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much to blog about from my class. I keep saying that. Someday I'll blog it. I miss blogging.

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...