Monday, March 30, 2015

Avocados. Yum.

Hi friendy friends....

NO ASPARTAME. (It actually scares me a lot.)

I had to have another nap on Saturday, I was just so tired. I've had a low grade headache this entire time but I'm hanging in there. Not craving sweets too much. If I am it is only out of habit. I haven't been watching my calories too carefully. But I have been eating very whole foods. I made this crazy mixture and I have been eating a lot of it. SOOOOOO yummy. 

Black beans
Red pepper
Lots of cilantro

and then if I want I eat it with corn chips or plain. Depending on how good I am feeling. 

I have been eating it everyday because I read you should have nutritious foods when giving up sugar. It has helped because I enjoy it so much. 

And at my friends birthday party I DIDN'T eat this....

And it is my most FAVORITIST treat ever. I mean, guys, I LOVE CAKE. It is so sad. 

So little Kate just is such a little love with animals.

She got to baby sit our neighbors weenie dog,Verdel. He didn't like us too much. Kate gave him treat after treat to convince him to let her pet him for one second. But every time he would do anything a tiny bit cure Kate would say "aww" in the cutest voice ever. 


 At my friend's part Kate made friends with Max. 

Justine and I were amused at Gracie just staring at her. 

 And Banditt...loved Kate petting him too. She was in pet heaven this week. 

Kate ALSO got to visit my friends puppies. Three little fluff balls. She died she loved them so much. 

Then she got to spend the night with Justine at college and some cute cowboy gave them a ride to Justine's apartment! Kate said it was the best day ever. 

Kassidy has hit the half way mark on her mission. CRAZY. She will be home in 9 months. Although she really thinks she wants to move there. Haha. She is sure learning to love people. Very neat. And in one of her last letters she told me that she has learned she likes things her way and noticed that as a fault. Phew. :)

Okay so... for Kassidy's "hump" day I mailed her this today...

Okay, I have to go read my chapter for tomorrow. See ya.  

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