Friday, November 27, 2015

Justine bought herself a new camera. She loves photography. She does a really good job also. She got herself SUCH a deal. And it takes beautiful pictures. And now when I look at my pictures I think how much better they could be. But whatever.

So these are my Thanksgiving Day salt and pepper shakers. I seriously get so much ridiculous joy from seeing them up there.

Creepy faceless pilgrims

Ummm..... best ever....turkey on the roaster

Someone gave me these little stoves and I was so thrilled when I realized how great they went with the Thanksgiving theme.

So Sunday I have t take them all down and put up the Christmas ones. :)

I LOVE Memes. They all crack me up. I don't know who thinks of these things.

You guys. I can even walk towards the door without at LEAST two kids asking me where I am going. It is like tiring. And it is the older kids too!

And this one. Cause it's funny.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...