Saturday, November 28, 2015

I like my job.

It's like I have four pesky little brothers and sometimes a few pesky brotherly customers that are added in too. I am a non stop tease target. They have convinced me it is because they like me but they torment me non stop. But I can hold my own.

We are moving our store today and tomorrow. Our cute little mom and pop store. I tried to convince my boss (who is also one of the pesky brothers) to let us have a shop dog but he would never go for it. He has done such a great job on the new store and really made some cool creative things. Here are a few pictures.

I am going to have to wear a pedometer to keep track of my walking because I have so far to go just to get to the shoes!

My boss totally made this wall. It is like rough cut wood and then he stained it all different colors. It looks dang cool.

The boys did not have even ONE sentimental moment about the old store. I made one of the boys take my picture behind the desk. I have grown in width!!!!! My shoulders are wider. So disappointing. But I am still fighting.

Today Justine and I went to Target and I found a few little things from the dollar section to go into Kassidy's package. She has two left. WEIRDEST THING EVER. I have sent her a little doo dad every week since she left (practically). Usually like a candy bar for her and her companion or this time I am sending her canned dehydrated snow....just silly stuff because I worry so much if she is ever in despair, I want her to have massive love in the middle of the week. I don't try to say that all braggy. I actually find it a little obsessive and a little "much". But I just did it. I am pretty organized and it was never a burden but only a joy so I did it because of that. Anyway....the thought that she only had TWO left. It is so weird. I am HIGHLY concerned she is going to be in mourning. She will get through it but selfishly, I don't want to hurt that much with her.

Today a customer came in who works at one of the places I wanted to intern. This person wasn't overly nice to me when I told them of my career plans. They weren't mean, just not especially nice. I went back to find their shoes and I reminded myself and I vowed to always be kind to the new people or the underdog or the people who are still trying to get where maybe you are in your career. I want to never pull a power trip on them just because I am already established and not scared anymore or in a higher position. That's all.

1 comment:

Aine said...

Well, I think you earned "Best Mom Ever" award doing that! I'm terrified that if Savannah goes on her mission I will suck at sending her letters because after the boyfriend and brothers off on missions, my track record hasn't been that great. :P

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