Saturday, February 13, 2016

My little Bo. He makes me so happy. He is ten. But he still LOVES his mama. He keeps himself so very busy just doing stuff. 

His Pokemon bank. He loves Pokemon still. 

So my therapist taught me something new. 

He told me that there are a few stages to forgiveness. sometimes you feel like you have made it to the top level when you can pray to Heavenly Father that you will forgive and won't remember any more. But that isn't it. The real truth to knowing if you have really forgiven someone is if you pray to Heavenly Father that He will forgive them and that HE won't remember anymore. That rang truth to me. 

1 comment:

Angie said...

Wyatt STILL loves Pokemon. When I cleaned his room I accidentally broke his Pokemon bank. He was SO ANGRY!

Hello, my old friend.

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