Tuesday, April 12, 2016

So Kate has learned to text on my phone. I have this old flip phone. The guys at the Adult Parole Office use to tease me like "what is that????" I actually don't love learning new technology and so it is still very much right up my alley.

Anyway, Kate has figured out how to text her sister at college and her siblings who live at home who have phones and her dad at work and one random friend I go to college with by accident and her Aunt Sherri. 

It keeps her very busy and happy. 

Justine did get a text from Aunt Sherri saying "for the love of......get that phone away from her!!!!!!" She had sent her like 32 texts. Sherri couldn't text me to tell me to stop because then Kate would see. Haha. 

The funniest was when Kate text Nathan and told him to go get Kate a treat at the gas station. He did it! He thought the text was from me and went to the gas station to get her a treat!!!

#1) Sweet boy to just get her a treat because I said....

#2) I never said! Kate totally played him! It was pretty dang funny. He was like "wow".

I have had a week off from school. I have loved it. Why did I ever leave the house again? I love being at home. I have to remind myself why. And the WHY is good. It just is confusing sometimes. Anyway, it has been a nice week but I have literally been sick for two and a half weeks. Like cough my guts out, dizzy in bed for part of it, fee like I am drowning in some sort of weird wet cough....weirdness! I never get sick. It has really annoyed me. 

Today in therapy with Rachel I just cried and cried about a bunch of nonsense. I get sick and depressed fast. I honestly commend Corey for handling his Lupus so well. He's a big fat baby if he gets a cold but he handles having Lupus pretty dang good. 

Nathan has had a girl friend for a bit. She is a perfectly nice girl but I don't really approve of having boyfriend/girlfriend in high school, but I can't stop everything they do, so whatever. He came home with this post board and asked me if I would write the words out and then he went over and stood in her grass and had her come out front. I guess it was a hit. I thought it was a cute idea and his sisters almost cried because they want that bear!!!!! 

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...