Saturday, April 30, 2016

Dang! Another 15 days and I haven't blogged again!!!!!

I just decided I better write about what happened when the family went camping.

I didn't go. I just cant tell you how much I really hate camping. And I had GOBS of homework AND I got this stupid illness again and I just didn't feel that great. I feel everyone on FB sees these pictures of my family going and probably thinks I am terrible for not going. But I just HATE it. And I do go sometimes. But Corey actually likes getting the kids to himself anyways. OH! And also Nathan had to work and I don't want to leave him alone.

So anyway. All that to say I didn't go.

So Corey had to go meet Justine who was driving up seperately and he left Rhett and Bo and Kate at the campsite. Kate went down a little path to find a stick. She heard a voice tell her to "go back and the stick doesn't matter." So sweet girl went back.

She told Justine later that it was the Holy Ghost. Isn't that beautiful? I don't know what could have/would have happened but I am proud of Kate for listening.

And...I know that their camp site is 1 mile and a half from Corey's bear bate. And I know that Corey's trail camera that he has aimed on his bear bate picked up this picture!!!!!

Seriously, hate camping. 

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Hello, my old friend.

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