Sunday, October 2, 2016

I love. 

Bo made a cell for his science class. It was a major accomplishment that we had it done a day before it was due. Bo GETS SO stubborn! He wants to do it the way he thinks it is supposed to be done and won't listen but ALSO he gets these HUGE ideas in his head that are hard to make happen. I bought him a paper machae pumpkin to make the cell out of because the foam ball was three times the price. Why are they so expensive!

The toothpicks with the stickers was all his doing. He gets a plan in mind and he does not waver. Also having me cut into the pumpkin instead of just sticking them things on the inside. 

One of the very funnest and creepiest parts of San Francisco is the street performers. They get sooooooo creative. This is NOT a statue! It is a real man who looked like he had covered himself in plastic somehow. Then he would move super slow like he was fake and make this weird squeaky noise. It was this a real live human or what is going on here? Kate! That girl! I always say she is ready t rule the world! She snuck behind him to throw the dollar in his pot so he wouldn't catch her and direct his attention to her. I don't know how she had the nerve to play around with him!

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Hello, my old friend.

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