Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I know one little family who is going to be happy Christmas Eve!!!!

It is embarrassing to say...because I think it might be a little sac religious....but our family likes to watch Plant of the Apes for Christmas Eve. I don't know why but we do.

I think it started one Christmas Eve when we needed something to do and the kids picked that movie to watch out of our stash. Thus a strange and twisted tradition began.

There is something so relaxing about those few days around Christmas. Corey is usually off work the whole time, and the rest of the world sort of shuts down and leaves us alone and we relax and snack and yes...watch Planet of the Apes. I'm sorry if that is bad. But we do.

And guess what....

Corey is going to be so happy!!!! Looks like a late night this year!

and the movie has with JAMES FRANCO!!!! I like him....


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