Friday, November 8, 2013

Spooky Dinner 2013

Since this is a Halloween post I can share how much I love this tarantula of mine. He is just so much fun. He crawls all around his cage and he is fascinating to watch. I keep him up in "my" room where I work on my things and just enjoy him. He is a gentle thing. Nathan and I cleaned him out the other day and we had to keep corralling him back to his holding cell while I cleaned his cage. He had zero interest in aggression. He was just trying to mind his own business. I like him! I can't help it. Sorry. I know that you non spider people are so grossed out. 

Oh well!

So about Spooky Dinner. 

I have been holding Spooky Dinner for maybe 14 years now. I remember when I only had three little kids telling them that the macaroni and cheese was bird bones. They loved it.

My very favorite thing to do to annoy my kids is...they will want to know what the food they are eating is. And I will tell them the fake name.....Like Ghoul Guts. 

And they will be like, "No, what is it?" 

Me: "I told you! It's Ghoul Guts!"

It drives them crazy. Ha ha. I love it.

I am so GRATEFUL for my mom. 

and my dad helps.

I just have had NO time or energy to have things at my house or to prepare all the cool and creepy food by myself. So my mom lets me hold it at her house. And she often times makes what I want her to make. Lol.

So presenting the AWESOME....

Meat man!!!!! I really wanted him and my mom found a way!!!!! It was great!

Great, right??? So people have asked and here is how she did it. She bought a card board face mold at a craft store and then just laid the meat on it. We didn't eat that meat. His teeth were like fake dollar store teeth and I think his nose was a pepper.

Thanks, Mom!!!!!!

My great neice, Saige. Bat Girl!

Kassidy and Uncle Frank getting silly!

Terri (my mom and dad's buddy) and my mom!

Me! I was an old granny. It busted me up!!!!!!!!!

I borrowed the costume from a girl I saw wearing it to the kid's school carnival. She was so nice to loan it to me.

I love my photo bomber!

Nathan (Steelers fan) and his cousin (my nephew) Justin

Goblin Eyeballs!

Frodo, of course!

I had to make this. The pumpkin threw up. Isn't it great!!!!!!

The second Kate got to the party she took off her costume. It was like, "I came, you saw, it's off.!"

Lol. SO then she put on my mom's spooky paraphernalia.

Justine, Saige, and Nathan

Terri and Bo

Lily my other great neice. Cute girl! Love that she wants to hang with us!

Need a band-aid, anyone?

Or how about a q-tip?

My "Rhettie poo" a Steelers fan also! Rhett drew his black smudges with....Sharpie. Oh, happy day!

Bo made up some crazy costume. I think he was a fighter of some kind. Like a good one he said.

He drew blood all over his face with lip stick.

Justine was Mrs. Payne.

I am so tired! I have to go to bed now. Night!

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