Sunday, November 10, 2013

Squash soup? Delicious!!!!!

Tonight I took an hour and played games with the kids. We played Mad Gab. It is where you read this nonsensical sentence that sounds lie a real sentence and then you have to guess what the sentence is. 

It busted us up! We were all laughing so hard. 

The other day we went shoe shopping at the mall for Kassidy. She needs something besides flip flops to wear to college! It is cold up there! Kassidy pays for everything she needs herself. So proud of her.

Anyway, we asked Nathan to carry he bags for just a second and he would never give them back. He wanted to carry them because he is gentlemanly. Sweet boy!

Justine found this awesome piece of wood on a picnic in the hills with the family. Of course it was super exciting because it was in the shape of a point. So it is perfect for One Direction. She painted it. I was so impressed with her job!

 Our church had a craft day. It was fun to be there with my friends. (Melanie and Tanya) Of course I didn't get my crafts finished. Because that is an absolute no no. One must never actually get their crafts done on craft day.

My girl creating more One Direction things...

And my other friend Deann made this AWESOME  low calorie soup. And putting seeds in it made it just yummy over the top. Here is the recipe.

Curried Squash or Pumpkin Soup

By DeeAnn
Souper Saturday 2013

Serves 8.  With evaporated milk 1 C. = 60 calories

1 large chopped Onion
Olive oil
1 quart Chicken or Vegetable broth
4 C. cooked Squash or Pumpkin
2 Tbsp. Lemon Juice
2 tsp. Curry Powder
2 tsp. Sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 C. Half & Half or Evaporated Milk

Cook squash or pumpkin.  Saute onions in olive oil.  Blend squash, onions, lemon juice, 1/2 broth, curry, sugar, salt and pepper until smooth.  Add remaining broth.  Bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and simmer 15-20 minutes.  Stir in cream.  Garnish with Parsley.  Serve with Pumpkin or Sunflower seeds on top.

We still own this dog. He still really worries me. He is scared of everything. He is a big cry baby. But we still like him. And he barks so I think he will be protective. Which is good and bad. I don't ever want to worry about a dog biting. But a barking  dog feels nice. And in the morning he cuddles with Kate while she watched TV. So I love that. Also the neighbors cat cuddles with her a ton and that is nice too. 

Brody discovered the fish. It was cute to watch him. He was super interested.

I am liking school. I realize the time I spend on it is just time I;d be mostly wasting anyway. So it is good to have something forcing me to do something important. I am proud of my A in psychology.  I have a B in social work  He doesn't give many assignments. So the b's I got on both exams have determined my grade.

I am trying to figure out my schedule for next year. I have two really hard classes I need to take but am trying to decide if I want to do that or take a little bit longer in school. Since I don't even know my end plan I don't feel a rush to get it done. I still feel like my mommying needs to be first. But I also want to stay on track. So I don't know what to do!!!!! And... I hate to be a broken record, but my mommying skills are burned out. And school gives me some life.

The one thing that excites me so much is that Kassidy will be there and she is excited to have lunch with me. I can't wait to hear all about her roommates and he new life. I am so excited for her!

I have still been seeing Kristopher. I haven't had much to say lately about it. Because so much of it is not stuff I am willing to share. And so much of the skill he taught me I have already shared. I guess  I will say, for the sake of being honest, that I am a believer of inner child work. I thought it was nuts at one time. And it sound nuts. And a little creepy and weird. But it turns out it isn't. And  I am much more aware of myself. And that has been interesting. To learn about what feelings I have and where they are coming from. It has really really been enlightening. 

Alrighty, see ya!

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...