Tuesday, April 8, 2014

forts and stitches and missions and school....again.

Totally got to love forts. Kate made this one and spent hours playing in it.

I'm telling you... this is a good cat!

So....for having six kids we haven't had many accidents. But Rhett was wrestling with Brody and somehow stumbled over a pair of scissors and just sliced his foot right open.

He was so calm. "I cut my foot."

and he was completely calm. It's almost ridiculous how calm he is. He had a moment in the car where he got a tiny bit teary and when I told him it was okay to be upset...that was the end of that.

I had to force him to hold my hand when they gave him a shot inside his cut to numb him up. He didn't cry then either. I actually think it is a problem. I think he should be able to cry. I so worry about my boys not being able to shoe their emotion. Boys are just different creatures than I am use to.

The end of that! He stayed home from school for two days in movie heaven. I think it was a total of nine stitches. Really kills us about him missing basketball. His coach told him to hurry and heal. He was their Karl Malone he said.

I am almost done with school. One big assignment and one Biology final and I am done. HOLY PHEW!!!!! It has been so much work but so very satisfying. That Biology was so great! I have to get a 73 % on the final to get a B in the class. I know that sounds easy bit...it's not. So we will see. If I get a B I will be ecstatic.

This cute girl got her mission call!!!!!!!! Don't you love this picture???? She is so creative.

I'll post more about that tomorrow.

Okay, I got to go make my sweet little cards to myself. For my soul class. I will show you...I haven't forgotten.

Oh yeah...today...I bought my self a back pack. Impulsively I went down to the school book store and bought a back pack. I have been lugging my heavy stuff around i n my cute over the shoulder bag and it was HEAVY. and today I had just had it.

Kassidy and I met for dinner and she busted me up when she said with much sarcasm that she was so happy that I bought a back pack with only three days left of school. The way she said it just made me laugh. She is so right!!! But I will need it eventually. And I wasn't walking all the way back up to my car in misery again!

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...