Wednesday, April 23, 2014

okay, I admit it. I am TERRIBLE at choosing pain colors. I always have to buy a gallon over again at least once, in a different color. This is the second gallon color. But it rocks. FOR REALS!

Poor Rhett has had to endure girly yellow paint in his room for years! I promised him a redo after we got Nathan moved out. The bottom is gray and e chose a blue for the top but it looked bad. So I brought home a million paint swatches and this is what the boys chose. 

I think I might be too agreeable.

I even let Rhett paint. I didn't want to. It stresses me out to do it let alone let him help. But I forced myself. Because that is how he will learn to do things.

I know it looks horrid.....But for is looking lots better now that I have more coats. It is a metallic paint like Nathan's so it is shiny. I forced them to let me pick the curtains. JUST YOU WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE THE PERFECTNESS OF THE FABRIC. Just wait!

I am the messiest painter alive.

I know!!!!!! She begged and begged! This lasted for about one minute. Exactly.

I'll show you the rest later!

I did the scariest thing EVER!!!!!!!!! But Rhett thought I was cool so it was worth it.

We were biking to our neighbors for an Easter Egg hunt. This neighbor is so sweet, It is her goal to make sure that the kids who come to the hunt NEVER leave without a bunch of stuff. It's crazy! She had a sad incident as a child with a hunt and so it is her mission to reconcile that through her hunts.

I ADORED the Easter bunny that Kate was taller than. So cute!

Bo in the red

Don't get me started on how CUTE it was that the Easter Bunny got to HUNT! So cute!

They always have ice cream afterwards.

Brody sat there and stalked and STARED at the stuffed animals. He wants to eat them!

Kate's goods!

Rhett with his buddies. So cute!

So...what does a wretched day with your therapist look like?

Friend chicken and mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese fried balls...from the gas station. King size butter finger, ice cream, four milky way Easter bunnies (no, not bite size) that were on discount, popcorn and pop at movies.

TAKE THAT, KRISTOPHER! I know how to show him.

I am such an addict. I know how to manage my feelings so healthily. Blah!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Hee, hee. You are the funnest mom -- those pictures of you on the bike are awesome! I'm also laughing, not in a snarky editor kind of way, because I didn't even notice it right off, but I'd love to know more about your PAIN colors! I'm not very good at choosing them either ... with or without the t. :)

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...