Saturday, April 26, 2014

I thought the tire might be flat...

Kassidy tearfully left college. She leaves for her mission in about a month and a half. Crazy. She was so fortunate to get a job! And a VERY full time job. It is a huge blessing. She isn't thrilled with it. She has never worked that may hours and for six days straight. It is hard but I am glad she is learning what it is like to work hard. I am relieved because she will have the money for the things she needs to buy for her mission. Which is pretty much everything.

She crashes if she sits for too long. This is her on her first day of work. We were headed to Grandpa Dale's cabin for a little Easter picnic. (pictures later)

Before school got out she was so sweet and let the little kids come spend the night with her. They had been dying to. Kassidy took them to the park, to the yogurt shop and kept them busy and happy. Sweet sister.

So we maybe never talked about this...A few months ago...

Sometimes we all make mistakes right?????? I thought the tire sounded like it might be flat.... but it was dark and I was so close to my sister in laws....and.... it only sounded a tiny bit bad...

but then I couldn't drive it one more single inch. Yep. 

Definitely flat.

I hate those calls to your husband about anything that has to do with car trouble. He is BURNED out on car trouble.

I do stupid things! Like lose my keys when I am an hour away from home so he has to come get me in the middle of the night. Burn through brake pads super fast. Forget that I thought I saw the tire was low at the last stop I made....

So the next day we went back for the care. Corey told me I had to change the tire. 

I was like wahoo! I have always wanted to do that!

So first you have to take those screws (?) off. Look at how nice Corey was to bring me a pillow!!!!!! And a towel because I don't want my knees on his gross shop pillow.

They can be a challenge to get off. Corey was like "You are smiling!" "You are having fun!" and I was like yup. Cause I like to have fun. And life is funny. And changing tires is funny. And trying to get those super hard bolts/screws (?) off is funny. 

And now I know how to and I am proud. A woman came out concerned about us. I had to insist that I wanted to change the tire all by myself cause Corey looked like a jerk letting me do all the work! But I wanted to do it!

Corey could not get over the tire. He said he had never seen one that bad and neither had the tire guy Corey took it too.

All I could do is shrug my shoulders. "I dunno, I was just driving and heard a funny sound..." 

True story.

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Hello, my old friend.

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