Saturday, April 5, 2014

I am still here!

Hi friends!

Turns out Gallbladder surgery wasn't so bad. I just felt like I had done a trillion crunches. It was a bit nice to not have too many expectations from me for a few days.

I am back at school and back at work.

I have one week left of school. And it is still intense! Arg. I am ready to be done but I will actually really miss two of my classes and the teacher's.

I really need to show you pictures of the online "Soul Restoration" class I am taking. It has been so so much fun use Mod Podge. I'll show you tomorrow. The ting I am learning is....all my therapy has worked! A lot of this class is stuff I have covered and am okay with now. Interesting.

One of the last things Kristopher taught me is just something I should share.

I had a little screw up and I was sad and mad at myself for making a mistake. Kristopher and I were talking about it and he said (And I don't remember any of the exact words anymore) I should embrace mistakes and that one should be out there making lots of mistakes because that is when they are learning and trying new things. Really living life. It is kind of like those stories of the people who failed a ton of times in business, but it just meant they were trying a lot... basically that whole concept.

But it is starting to really stick in my head. I (as are most women) get very hard on myself for making a mistake. I like when I can go into therapy and tell Kristopher something stupid that I did and he doesn't condemn me or agree that I am dumb. He offers me grace and understanding and that people make mistakes. And mistakes are how we grow and that it is okay. And I am okay.

And so now when I make mistakes I have him in my head helping me feel okay.

It is a gift really. I don't know why it worked this way, but seeing Kristopher give me a break (grace) has been an example to me on how to offer myself a break (grace). It is okay to screw up. It is okay. That is how we are figuring things out. Brings me peace.

I never introduced you to the newest member of our family!!!!!!!

Nathan has wanted  a Bearded Dragon forever. For his 15th birthday he got one! We went to two different pet stores to make sure we got the exact color he wanted.

Seriously guys...lizards don't get cuter than these. They want to be your friends! They look at you and turn their little heads at you and they are very attentive.


The kid still hasn't named him! Its been like three weeks. Its' a little fitting since he actually didn't have a name for 15 days after we brought him home from the hospital.

So I am calling him Baltazar! Unless Nathan comes up with something.

So introducing Baltazar.

He was the darkest one and he had orange stripes. He's darling. And he eats like crazy. We are glad because we bought him knowing he might not survive because he was so small. But he is a trooper!

I love that Nathan has a whole bulletin board with nothing on it. So I found these little pictures the little kids had given Nathan and we hung them up. LOTR valentine from Bo, and look how cute Kate spelled Nathan's name. The little kids adore Nathan. Kate wants to marry him and Bo just tries to hug him and hang on him nonstop. It's sweet.

My parents came to take Nathan out for his birthday. My parents are shrinking.

They went to Chuck A'rama. Rhett got to go.

Rhett had ALL these plates of shrimp!

For Nathan's birthday Kassidy came home and I just loved seeing all these kids sitting together and playing together.

Kate sat on the ledge and passed Nathan his presents.

I have been paying Nathan to help Bo with his reading every day. It is mostly successful except I am annoyed that I have to pay my kid. But he needs money and it alleviates the fight and Bo is very happy that his brother is there for him. Bo sits on Nathan's bed and reads while Nathan does his homework.

Checking out Balthazar

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...