Thursday, June 12, 2014

Turning my kid over to the Lord.

My friend told me that today. 

That she looks at her kids on a mission as sort of a little break from parenting. And that has actually brought me a lot of peace. Kassidy is away. There is nothing I can do for her but pray. (For those of you who don't know there are no phone calls or texts or anything of that nature.) The Lord is doing all her parenting her now. I get a break. 

My other friend told me that when the mission is hard that that is when she will grow closest to the Lord. So that helps me not despair when she is having a difficult time. Because she is learning who to turn to at that time. 

Good stuff. I have good, smart, friends.

I haven't been traumatized by her leaving. I am just so dang happy for her to have this adventure and grow so so much! I just really believe in her and her ability to make it through all this. 

So the morning of taking her to the MTC she was pretty tired and I think stressed but she wouldn't admit it. 

She even crashed in the hotel like before 11:00am. We got to the MTC (Missionary Training Center) where she will spend 3 weeks. We got the best pictures we could and then just sat on the grass and waited for about an hour. 

We thought we should probably have an important family talk but Corey decided to try to sing that hilarious song from Nacho Lib-re instead. "I ate some bugs, I ate some grass, IGNACIO!!!" So we laughed about that.


The MTC is behind her.

At this point Kassidy was doing everything in her power not to cry. She said no one was to hug her and no one was to cry. I literally sat in the front of the van and pinched my arm to stop my tears. I told her  (because I know that girl) that later on tonight she would feel guilty for not giving me a hug but that I understood what it was about and I wasn't hurt and I didn't want her worrying about it.

When Kassidy is stresses she gets a little snippy. :)

In the drop off line...

 The man literally told us we had 2.5 minutes to say goodbye once we were parked in our spot of the car pool line.

 Dad helping her out. I get out of the van and take one look at her and this is what I see!

I was like "Kassidy!!!! What are you doing!!!" 

Then I look at Justine and she is starting to cry (unexpected) 

And the two of them hugged forever. And it was beautiful to me. They fight and fight and play and play and I love that they were both crying. I wanted a sister!

and then Rhett was emotional as well. Nathan stayed strong and was very polite during a very long hug from Kassidy.

Ha ha. Our family has not been super huggy. He's like "Ummmm......."

 Then the cute Sister missionary who had been in the MTC for three weeks, took our family pictures and they grabbed Kassidy and off they went. It was the best way it would have ever been done. Not too long of torture. 

And...she's off! So weird!!!!!!!! Love her tons!

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