Thursday, June 19, 2014

We found the perfect bike for Justine to ride up at college!

On the way home from taking Kassidy to the MTC we stopped at this crazy outdoor store called Sheels. It was crazy!

I loved this bike for Justine for college! She could put her back pack in the back and ride it around campus! Awesome! 

When you first walk in they have this crazy salt water fish aquarium that goes above your head. It was beautifully awesome.

The store had all these photo props everywhere. I got way into this fish one. You just hold up this little board which must have some kind of sensor in it and the diferent fish pop up and you can change their positions and stuff. Justine got annoyed and finally quit taking pictures for me. Lol.

So many different props!

They had a lot of AMAZING fudge. Once again I didn't buy any!!! I thought we would go back and then we never did.

Fudge with Reeses chunks. I bet that was the best.

We were very excited to find Wolverine's claw!!!! I love wolverine!

Justine is nick named Moosie in our home. I love this big old moose!

And in this place they had an actual Ferris wheel. It was a must do. And because Justine and I are scared of heights, we were very wimpy.


The boys

Justine and I up in the air! When Justine knew I was taking a picture she covered her chin on purpose to hide any chance of a double chin. Why wasn't I more on top of it like her?

Remember how I said once Kassidy was officially a missionary she had to follow mission rules? That meant always being with a companion. Well...I am a busy mom and can't just follow her around all day. So I assigned Kate to be her first companion. It was very cute. Kate was her buddy and followed her around for a bit.

Some advice the sister missionaries had given Kassidy prior to leaving was that what ever companion is your current companion....they are your most favorite companion. So Kate was her favorite companion for those hours.

I took this picture with my phone. I thought it was the sweetest thing ever. Kassidy's Grandma Carolyn was telling her things in he ear and I love Kassidy's sweet content face with her arms wrapped all the way around her Grandma. Makes me happy that Kassidy is a  loving person, not holding anything back and I can't wait to see her grow even more. 

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...