Saturday, April 26, 2014

I thought the tire might be flat...

Kassidy tearfully left college. She leaves for her mission in about a month and a half. Crazy. She was so fortunate to get a job! And a VERY full time job. It is a huge blessing. She isn't thrilled with it. She has never worked that may hours and for six days straight. It is hard but I am glad she is learning what it is like to work hard. I am relieved because she will have the money for the things she needs to buy for her mission. Which is pretty much everything.

She crashes if she sits for too long. This is her on her first day of work. We were headed to Grandpa Dale's cabin for a little Easter picnic. (pictures later)

Before school got out she was so sweet and let the little kids come spend the night with her. They had been dying to. Kassidy took them to the park, to the yogurt shop and kept them busy and happy. Sweet sister.

So we maybe never talked about this...A few months ago...

Sometimes we all make mistakes right?????? I thought the tire sounded like it might be flat.... but it was dark and I was so close to my sister in laws....and.... it only sounded a tiny bit bad...

but then I couldn't drive it one more single inch. Yep. 

Definitely flat.

I hate those calls to your husband about anything that has to do with car trouble. He is BURNED out on car trouble.

I do stupid things! Like lose my keys when I am an hour away from home so he has to come get me in the middle of the night. Burn through brake pads super fast. Forget that I thought I saw the tire was low at the last stop I made....

So the next day we went back for the care. Corey told me I had to change the tire. 

I was like wahoo! I have always wanted to do that!

So first you have to take those screws (?) off. Look at how nice Corey was to bring me a pillow!!!!!! And a towel because I don't want my knees on his gross shop pillow.

They can be a challenge to get off. Corey was like "You are smiling!" "You are having fun!" and I was like yup. Cause I like to have fun. And life is funny. And changing tires is funny. And trying to get those super hard bolts/screws (?) off is funny. 

And now I know how to and I am proud. A woman came out concerned about us. I had to insist that I wanted to change the tire all by myself cause Corey looked like a jerk letting me do all the work! But I wanted to do it!

Corey could not get over the tire. He said he had never seen one that bad and neither had the tire guy Corey took it too.

All I could do is shrug my shoulders. "I dunno, I was just driving and heard a funny sound..." 

True story.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

okay, I admit it. I am TERRIBLE at choosing pain colors. I always have to buy a gallon over again at least once, in a different color. This is the second gallon color. But it rocks. FOR REALS!

Poor Rhett has had to endure girly yellow paint in his room for years! I promised him a redo after we got Nathan moved out. The bottom is gray and e chose a blue for the top but it looked bad. So I brought home a million paint swatches and this is what the boys chose. 

I think I might be too agreeable.

I even let Rhett paint. I didn't want to. It stresses me out to do it let alone let him help. But I forced myself. Because that is how he will learn to do things.

I know it looks horrid.....But for is looking lots better now that I have more coats. It is a metallic paint like Nathan's so it is shiny. I forced them to let me pick the curtains. JUST YOU WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE THE PERFECTNESS OF THE FABRIC. Just wait!

I am the messiest painter alive.

I know!!!!!! She begged and begged! This lasted for about one minute. Exactly.

I'll show you the rest later!

I did the scariest thing EVER!!!!!!!!! But Rhett thought I was cool so it was worth it.

We were biking to our neighbors for an Easter Egg hunt. This neighbor is so sweet, It is her goal to make sure that the kids who come to the hunt NEVER leave without a bunch of stuff. It's crazy! She had a sad incident as a child with a hunt and so it is her mission to reconcile that through her hunts.

I ADORED the Easter bunny that Kate was taller than. So cute!

Bo in the red

Don't get me started on how CUTE it was that the Easter Bunny got to HUNT! So cute!

They always have ice cream afterwards.

Brody sat there and stalked and STARED at the stuffed animals. He wants to eat them!

Kate's goods!

Rhett with his buddies. So cute!

So...what does a wretched day with your therapist look like?

Friend chicken and mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese fried balls...from the gas station. King size butter finger, ice cream, four milky way Easter bunnies (no, not bite size) that were on discount, popcorn and pop at movies.

TAKE THAT, KRISTOPHER! I know how to show him.

I am such an addict. I know how to manage my feelings so healthily. Blah!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I am not my labels. And don't be jealous of my new typewriter. You can come type something if you wanna.

I'm not getting as much blogging done because I am having TOOOOO much fun with mod podge.

Also, work. And math started today. But it will be fun. I like math.

Hey, this is a perfect intro to talk to you about something.

I am bad at math!

LOL!!!!! It makes me laugh. Because I might not be bad at math. I never had enough time to prove if I was good or bad at math.

But from the time I was a kid I did struggle with math. So now I have LABELED myself and been labeled this ENTIRE TIME from my past when my brain wasn't even done growing...that I am bad at math.

I guess time will tell but I really don't think I am bad at math.

I think I didn't catch on super fast and I had some lousy teachers and I had very little care to learn once upon a time. And hello???? My brain wasn't even done developing!!!!!

So I have labeled myself this entire time that I am bad at math when really I think I will be fine. I think if I can earn my doctorate in Biology last semester (or get a B-, same difference) then I will be fine in math. I just need proper teaching.


The soul restoration class this week was on labels that we give ourselves.

Here is my picture of my page. Those are silhouettes of women with my labels, good or bad. Melody Ross, the creator of the class gave us pages of labels. And I typed some up by myself on my NEW type writer! See below!

The interesting thing I learned is this....

See it? It says shy and outgoing. And I am actually both.

I feel I am both skinny and fat!

I found it very interesting that my labels contradicted themselves.

That is because....

And one thing Melody said in the class is that no one is purely one thing. And if I can be shy and outgoing.... if I can be a loner and a social person, I don't know why, but that feels free to me.

I don't want to be bound by labels...I want to be free to be me. Whatever that "me" is that day. And I want my children to learn the same thing. I want them to explore different things and work on their weaknesses and not just think that is WHO THEY ARE.

We aren't one thing. We aren't our labels. Especially the labels we have bound ourselves to.

I also put that I am fat and skinny. I don't know why. But I am fat. But I am skinny too.

The other important thing Melody taught us goes back to knowing that we have a weak self and being okay with that. of my labels is weak. I feel very often weak. I am referring to food in this instance. So that doesn't mean that I am weak. It means I have a weakness with being weak. Meaning if there is cookies in front of me..I will have a feeding frenzy and eat them all. So what do I do?

I practice. I can change weak. I can toughen up. I can surround myself with people who have self control and learn from them. I can work on it. But I won't hurt myself or be mean to myself for having some self control issues.

Another thing I labeled myself as is boundaryless. I have been. My whole life. The past two years I have been learning what boundaries are and why they are important to MY happiness. (READ THIS BOOK such a interesting read) So yes, I was once boundaryless. I can even remember when my friend told me about boundaries. Never had known about them or that it was okay to set some boundaries from other people, for myself.

So I am not boundaryless. It is not who I am. I just needed to learn some. And now I am working on it. And I don't always do it right. And that is okay too.

Learning that these things are not who we are, just areas we struggle with and can improve upon is a gift because then we have power over our lives.

So we are not our labels. We are not all one thing or another.

And I had to put this about typewriters.

If anyone knows my dad....He ALWAYS says NO before he says yes.

"Hey dad, want to hold an Easter egg hunt for us?"


We go to there house for Easter dinner...Easter egg hunt prepared by my dad.

 Very organized! He had a map of exactly where he had hid the eggs.

And then the FUN part.. Candy toss. The kids LOVED it.

The kids were so exited because the eggs had candy stuffed full. I put one candy, even if it is an M&M in one egg. Because then the hunt can be huge but they don't get that much. My kids probably don't appreciate it. LOL.

Back to my dad always saying no first....

"Hey dad, can I have you old typewriter that I have coveted for years?"

"Sure, when can you come get it?"

Wha??? Huh???

Whoa.... That was oddly easy.

I am still baffled a bit by that. But I am not complaining. I LOVE it. I typed some other "labels" for myself with it.

Because I knew my dad had history with the typewriter I told him to write me a bit about it. I just read it and had to laugh.


In 1955 I bought a 1950 Plymouth sedan.  I drove it until my Senior year in BY High started and then I sold the car.

I researched typewriters and finally saw a Remington in Sears.  The salesman showed me all the great features.  It was portable and came in a carrying case.  It is well built.  The character bars are flex steel and do not bend to the fingers of out of place children.   But,  no auto word correction and no spell aid.

I bought the typewriter and wrote manner papers for school.  In 1966 I wrote a Master's Thesis at Brigham Young University-Provo about late Paleozoic trilobites using the typewriter.  Later in 1969 wrote a PhD Dissertation at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on the “Trace Fossils and Paleoecology of the Ouachita Mountains of Southeastern Oklahoma.”   While typing the dissertation I held my new son  Jason  across my arms while typing.

When personal computers became available the Remington Quiet-Riter went into retirement, but came with me all 7 moves around the country.  It seems to be heavier than originally.  It has some whiteout stains where the brush  toughed some part of the machine.
It is being bequeathed to my favorite daughter Susan so long as she takes proper care of the machine.  When she realizes the disadvantages she will set it aside after when classic paper.   Disadvantage being keys that must be “stamped” (hard rapid pressed), the line bar to be pushed, the manual loading and straightening of paper, the manual white-out  for manual  corrections, ....

Maybe I won't type dissertations with it. But it is so so so so so so cool. And I feel super vintagey when I am doing my soul work with it. 

Ta Ta.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...