Friday, September 18, 2015

I cant even describe the glee that fills my soul when I see the Halloween isle come out at JoAnn's. But I also feel frustration. because I want to BUY it ALL. But can't. I just love it all so much. So many fun ideas. Something about all that orange and black and spiders and bats, I love it all.
So a couple of lamo things. This week I helped Kate do her homework. I forced her to write down zero for the answer of about 16 subtraction problems. It was totally not the right answer. It was suppose to be like 8. Like 8 minus zero is 8. But I kept making her put zero. She tried to do it right and tell me but I kept erasing it and making her do zero. What in the crazy world??? My brain is melted!!! I get so stinking busy with a million kids yelling at me for help with this or that and I get so full of "just get it done" that I don't even know what I am doing!
I did play Barbie's with her two separate days. She was so so happy about it. I need to 100% do that more even though it is like torture. She is at that age where she tells me everything I am suppose to say and everything my Barbie is suppose to do. Haha.
On this assignment I was like traumatized when I saw Bo had put all zeros. It reminded me of the time Rhett got frustrated at school and wrote every answer down as 11. So when I saw all these zero's with Bo I was like NOT.AGAIN. But he was right. Phew.

So I took my children's mother sister to school. The change is nice in ways but we love her and miss her. But I love that she still wants me to come take her up. She wanted me to decorate her shelf she told me.
Most people have books? She has a full page out of Pinterest going on up there.
(I saw this in her new roommates room and had to remember it. So great. (genius to use vinyl lettering for decoration at college!)

Seriously. I just love her. She is pure joy.

I forced her to do these pictures just so you know.

Social work class is so getting real. It actually started to trigger some of my emotions from when I was in therapy. So that was unexpected. But I am once again having SO MUCH FUN every second in class and LOVE all the cute kids I am with. Smart, smart kids going to run our world someday.

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...