Saturday, September 26, 2015

plant whisperer lives here. Not really. I just don't kill mine anymore. I'm a good plant owner now.

I think I told you guys that I went against my religion and let Bo and Kate have a TV in their room.

Okay, its not against my religion. But it is against my morals. But it helped my burn out. Now that school has stared they only can watch it on Friday and Saturday  night (see? I'm okay still).

And they really only watch it for a bit and then they fall asleep. But it sure made bed time easier for me. AND they can only watch VHS's on the TV's. Anyway. Whatever. I know I am justifying. But all that to say....

When I saw this sight I died.

Justine AND Nathan in bed with Bo watching the show all together. They were there for the whole movie. Bo was in heaven.

One of my favorite things to do is to go to the thrift store and buy cheap VHS's. I seriously have found some old treasures. Like cartoons of The Lord of the Rings. Nathan and Bo spent days watching those together. Bo just adored the time Nathan spent with him. These little sibling relationships make my heart happy. None of them are perfect. But I really think they will look back fondly of one another.

Haha. Rhett was asleep and not watching.

Kate and her girls. I love how she includes a stuffed animal in each sleeping bag. Did I mention we got these dolls free... One as a gift from Grandma and two American Girl Dolls from a friend GIVING them away. So sweet and generous.

Loving school so much. Loving it. So far a much less intense semester. One dang thing that would be helpful is if I could memorize easier. It is a struggle. I can remember crazy things but to just memorize stuff for tests I really have to work and recite. Today I helped my friend with a fun run for foster kids. It was a great experience and I got to rub shoulders with some professionals and get some advice and input from some pretty experienced people (the boss of the whole place). As I helped my friend I had this piece of paper with my list of things I had to memorize in order. I would look at it, stick it away. Recite in my head. Look at it, stick it away. recite in my head. Over and over. And I am still working on it tonight. And it is only one section of the test. ARG. But it is still fun. In it's own way.  

So ever since I was a girl my parents had this huge hutch. I inherited it. On the hutch were these plants that grow like forever and forever. Sometimes you see them along walls with pins just spreading.... They are like the easiest plant in the whole world.

I kept killing the plants! I really abused them. In order to water them I had to get a stool and stand on it and water them. And I don't know why but it was just a pain and I wouldn't do it until they were wilting and dying. And so they always looked terrible. And they would have like one leaf on a long vine because the rest died. It was really mean of me. So I thought about getting rid of them. But instead I decided to buy some of these....

and I stuck ugly water bottles up in the soil....because I didn't want to spend the money on some of theses....

and I replanted my plants and got rid of the leaves and vines that were crazy long and I replanted some of them and I am proud to say...They look beautiful now. And they are growing and thriving. And I only fuss with them about once every month and a half.

I want to say that stupid phrase from Charlie Sheen....


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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...