Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Internship is A LOT. Fortunately my classes are not killing me so I am managing okay. Although if you looked at my laundry pile one might not agree.

Internship is beautiful. It is SO HARD and AWKWARD to be a new person. But that is also good for me to get use to.

But when I got the internship it was a little funny because picturing me as a parole officer is funny. But the thing I am learning is that the parole officers are very much social worky and spend their days supporting people and being advocates for people and caring for them and advising them.

And so far most of the "offenders" (the name for them if they have committed any sort of offense) are not "bad" people. Honestly, so far most of them are addicts. Some would never have committed the other crimes they have committed if they weren't addicts. It is very very sad.

Also I have officially forgot to zip up my zipper THREE times. There are TOO many do dads on my dress pants and I keep forgetting some steps! Ridiculous. 

Once again, facing your fears is the best way to go because you often times find it isn't so bad and you also grow in self esteem from tackling that which you were scared of. True story, guys. I think about it all the time. If something seems scary....go do it. (You know, within reason.)

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...