Monday, March 5, 2012

Party time in the church house!

So lucky to have a friend like Amy who keeps losing  hours of her life to make crazy cake balls with me. I keep turning all of Corey's friends into my friends. He had some great friends I tell ya. Glad to have them all to myself. 

I swore I was never going to do cake balls again but I can't resist when my kids ask me. Justine wanted them for her 16th birthday. 

Only she wanted OREO balls. uh....can you say STRAIGHT FROM HEAVEN???? They were so so so good. They are basically 1 package of ores with 1 package of cream cheese (one can never go wrong with cream cheese, have you ever tried it on banana bread? It is the ONLY way to eat banana bread. Learned that from my mom!) and that's it.

 You just separate the Oreos, mix the frosting and the cream cheese together, crush the Oreos, then mix all that together and roll in little balls and freeze. You probably should google for better directions. But they were so good. Justine loves the colors zebra, teal and lime green. So those are the colors we decorated with.

Amy refused to look at the camera because she knew she'd end up on my blog.


I am super into banners....I think they are so cute.

My friend made this zebra for her daughter's baby shower. It is just on a card board frame. It is out of fondant. Justine loved it. They let us have it and we stored in in the freezer no less than 6 months just to display it at her party.

She felt weird later but all she wanted was chips and gummy bears and Oreo balls.

I forced her to have Nacho cheese sauce because...does that really need any explaining?

Playing cards. There was a snow storm so she was missing a few kids but they all had a great time.

This was probably the hit of the night. It is a photo booth. It was minus the "booth" because of the pain it is to set it up but they had a GREAT time getting pictures of themselves. I LOVE the photo booth. I had a great time with it myself. I will save those pictures for another post. I will say though...I managed to get a series of four perfect pictures of myself. That is NO SMALL FEAT I tell you!

Playing "amazing race" challenges

Trying to catch a cheese ball on their whip creamed nose

Can you recognize the letters?

Thanks to Carly for organizing the games. Fun!

Opening some presents...

I borrowed a "Connect". We still don't own anything like that. I must admit I am a bit proud of that fact. I am trying to keep my sons AWAY from video games. But the "Connect" is tempting. It is so much fun.

So it figures I borrow a "Connect" and the girls could have CARED less about playing it. (We couldn't find the dance game). But Rhett loved it. He came and helped me get out tables and set up. He also walked in a SNOW STORM to bring me things I kept forgetting. Kassidy had taken my van. He is a DARLING boy. So sweet.

Then we moved the girls into the foyer with the couches and chairs and they watch the sweetest love story ever..."A Walk to Remember".

Great night. I love my kid. I love friends who love to make cake balls. I love friends who let me borrow their fun stuff and I REALLY love friends who stay with me during the party and clean up with me!

The end.

Oh yeah.... Cheese balls, by the way, are instant DELICIOUS death.


Anonymous said...

I love this!! Plus what a cute friend you have....I have known her for a zillion years and I wish I lived closer and I would come help too...l

Megan said...

What a fun party! You are such a good mother - seriously!

Hello, my old friend.

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