Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I have been going through a few personal struggles lately. And I have had some things confirmed for me that I believed before....but now... I know.

In times of greatest need and trials, Heavenly Father will swoop His love down, like an owl's gigantic feathery wing, and cover you. And you will be protected.

At least that's how it was for me. And I don't doubt that is how it would be, or is, for you. Maybe we don't know it is happening every time. Maybe we are just so blind sometimes. But I am sure it is happening every time we are in need.

I have heard before that the spirit can teach you the most in times of the most heartache. I have heard people say that the trials they suffered were well worth it because of the things they learned from the spirit during that time. And those things learned,  they wouldn't trade  for anything. Not even their suffering.

 I have learned more about God's love and been given more peace and comfort during my time of recent chaos and upset than any other time in my life. I have seen the Spirit bless my life and sooth my soul and shelter me from the storm, and it has mostly been through other people.

I have been taught where to find the Spirit. At times, weird as it may sound, I have felt like a lizard basking in it. I have felt it baking me. Oh, that was nice. Lizards can't stay warm on their own you know. They need some outer source to warm them. And that is how I was. I needed it around me and burning  me. Man, it felt good. I have learned new meaning in the word "peace". I am eternally thankful for the suggestion from a wise person about where to go to receive that "baking" of the Spirit. And where to find that peace.

I have witnessed the Priesthood in an ordinary and flawed man offer me assurance and comfort and strength. And I cannot say the word enough... peace.

And I have learned that the Spirit is most present when hearts are changing and when suffering is taking place. And I have learned that the Spirit can speak to me through the mouths of ordinary people. And it sometimes doesn't even matter what they are saying. It is what my heart heard.

And I have learned that people are put in my pathway to bless my life. And Heavenly Father had it all worked out before I even knew I was going to need it all worked out. He was all over it. What trust I have gained in Him. He is not going to leave His daughter hanging.

I have learned that when you are all alone...you aren't.


Jennifer said...

Oh, Susan, you have touched my heart. I am sorry for your struggles. I wish I knew how to lift you. Instead it is you who has lifted ME today. Thank you for sharing your beautiful testimony. Is the owl picture from a children's book?

Janetlee said...

I am so proud of you Susan. This is so beautifully written. You are often on my mind. Cheering for you.

Hello, my old friend.

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