Saturday, March 3, 2012

Florence, Glenny, Ron and Barrack

I really think my caring nature came from listening to this book on tape a MILLION times. Or maybe my caring nature is why I was drawn to this book. Idk.

It is the sweetest book about Florence Nightingale. It is a beautiful story. I can hear it in my mind. Especially the sad way the lady reads when Florence's owl dies. And how much the soldiers loved her when she was caring for them. Love it.

I love these books. My parents had a whole set of them. I have inherited them. I have been making Rhett listen to them for his daily reading. He is supposed to follow along with every word. "Supposed to" being the key words in that sentence.

Today he chose one and was listening in my room. He calls me in all excited and says, "Mom, it's about Glenn Beck!"

I knew that couldn't be true because the books are so old. I looked at the one he is reading and it was about Ronald Reagan. Interesting, I thought.

This is what happens when you try to take pictures with a 10 year old boy around! Little stinker!

On another political note...My mom called to tell me some important news...


My mom does a lot of genealogy. She once found out we were related to William Wallace and another time an accused witch.

So I was intrigued and hopeful...

Me... "GLENN BECK!!!!!!????????" *clasps hands in prayer* please please, please...

Her...."No! Barrack Obama!" 



That was unexpected.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...