Sunday, October 13, 2013

lots of stuff!

We heat our house with our fire place. On Sundays I like to sit at my lap top and turn my blog into a book (which is a miserable process) and watch this police show called Flashpoint. Because we heat with our fire place a lot of the time it isn't worth starting a fire for just a little chill. So I freeze. A lot. When I get home from church I put on my pajamas and sit around all day. It is heavenly. I have to wear long john tops and bottoms, then pajamas tops and bottoms and wool socks so I don't freeze. And those seat warmers in that little car we bought is still such a GIFT. I love them so so so much. I turn the air cold and then warm my seat and back and it is awesome.

I have so much blogging I am not getting done.

So Kassidy has been trying to win her and me (I don't that's proper English) a trip to New Zealand (isn't that so sweet her) to see the Hobbit being filmed. She has been working her hear at filming crazy things that are fairly hysterical to me.

She and her brother walked around like this. Did I blog this already? Weirdos!

Rhett turned 12. Here is his breakfast with dad. Sweet tradition.

And here is the cake I made for him. For his birthday I took him and a few friends to play and out for hamburgers. One more birthday party down. To anyone who cares I think it was my best choice ever to not let them have a birthday part every year. They get one every other year. It is really nice as far as less pressure for me!


The frosting made everyone's tongues black! Have I mentioned we love our new Grandpa Dale?

And I loved that my mom in law brought us home made pizza for Rhett's little family celebration.
 So sweet. 

Justine is truly obsessed with her One Direction boys. It is all she talks about. She has like 10,000 pins on Pinterest. She wears all her shirts depending on what coordinates somehow with the One Direction boys. It's cute. And maybe a bit much.

Here is the complete and honest summary of my therapy. And...Kristopher is now use to it. I thought it was pretty funny.

 So last session he told me something that I thought was pretty smart. He told me that he tells his kids if he does something stupid in regards to parenting them that they can tell him. He wants to know. And he said they do tell him. And then he says sorry. And then it is over and done with and it is not baggage they are carrying around with them forever. I thought that was so very smart! I'm going to tell it to my kiddies.

My fun friend Christina started this tradition for us and my group of friends. It is Amazing race home style. I think we have done it for like four years.

This race we lost...again. But we still had so much fun.

Our first stop we had to eat a whole pizza before we could go to the next challenge.

 Despite my calories counting I ate a piece. I am a great sport that way. The sad thing was after we drove away there were all the pizza crusts under our van that we had ditched. Busted.

 Next stop we had to pick a box of apples...


And then we lost and did 't get to do any more challenges. :( Bummer. But it is still a fun try. Thanks Christina!

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...